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TRIBE - A group of people able to support a level of subsistence in a permanent settlement.


    Native American Culture - Death Valley National Park
    The Las Vegas Piute Tribe is composed of "Nuwuvi" people, called Paiute by ... Today, the tribe owns the original 16-acre area and a 3800-acre area north of ...

    Colorado River Watershed
    The desert valley of the Colorado, which has been described as distinct from the plateau region above, is the home of many Indian tribes. ...

    History of Native Americans in the Mojave Preserve
    Modern Native American "tribes" were products of interactions with the American military and legal system as much as modern reflections of pre-contact ...

    Human Impacts on the Mojave National Preserve Area - Mojave
    ...The tribes along the Colorador River corridor of the eastern Mojave included ... The Mojave was the largest tribe and was found distributed throughout the ...

    Old Spanish Trail
    Stronger tribes would raid weaker tribes and take captives for sale to the Spanish .... The troops found evidence of the Timbisha Shoshone tribe but did not ...

    Bishop - Mojave Desert
    The Paiute tribe controls land just north of the town. Bishop is immediately to the east of the Sierra Nevada. Numerous peaks are within a short distance of ...

    Death Valley in '49
    ... in the very midst of this wild and desolate country we found a Chief and his tribe, Walker and his followers who were as humane and kind to white people ...

    Timbisha Shoshone - Death Valley Native Americans
    Tensions between the park and tribe surged as federal policies shifted from ... After the tribe was uprooted for the last time in 1936, settling into the ...

    The Mojave Desert - People in the Mojave
    The tribes knew much about Mojave Desert resources, enabling them to ... The Chemehuevi tribe spoke a different language from that of the Mohave Indians. ...

    Ft. Mojave Indian Tribe - Mojave Desert
    The land of the Mojave, the most northern of the Yuman tribes, stretched from Black Canyon to the Picacho Mountains below today's Parker Dam, straddling the ...

    Desert Indians
    The tribes knew much about Mojave Desert resources, enabling them to gather supplies ... Each tribe was further divided into extended family units that were ...

    Shoshone Indians
    The young men of Bear Hunter's tribe began to strike back in late 1862, ... Bear Hunter was killed, and the remnants of his tribe under Sagwitch and the ...

    Owens Valley Paiute Indians
    Each group or tribe owns and controls definitely demarked sections of territory ... There was a good deal of intercourse with the tribes west of the Sierra ...

    Yocuts Indians
    The tribe nearest Sequoia Park is the Yaudanchi. Of them, Kroeber says, ... All the Yokuts tribes from the Kaweah River south, except perhaps the Wowol and ...

    Mohave Indians of the Mojave Desert
    People by the Water - Ft. Mojave Indian Tribe, About the Mohave Indians: ... Associated Tribes Chemehuevi Havasupai Hualapai Yavapai Wilderness Areas ...

    Vanyume Indians
    This was perhaps on account of the active trade route running along the Mojave River, connecting the Colorado River tribes and the Indian nations of the ...

    Uto-Aztecan Tribes
    Uto-Aztecan Tribes. Uto-Aztecan is younger than Hokan or Penutian. ... Tongva. Cultural Notes: This tribe's lifestyles paralleled the Gabrielino/Tongva. ...

    Social Organization, Sierra Nevada Native American Culture
    The Yokuts and Western Mono in general were organized in exogamous and patrilineal societies which cut completely across tribal groupings, and each tribe ...

    Military in the Mojave
    Though there was no combat and the Mohave claimed no responsibility for the wagon attack, prominent tribe members were jailed and the army established Ft. ...

    Kit Carson
    Carleton ordered Carson to kill all the men of that tribe, and say that he .... 334) that Carson felt the Native American tribes needed to have physical ...

    History of the Eastern Mojave
    Modern Native American "tribes" were products of interactions with the American military and legal system as much as modern reflections of pre-contact ...

    native culture - Indians of the Mojave Desert
    Northern Mojave: Like other remotely located tribes in California, ... They are subdivided into tribes, each numbering two to three hundred persons, and . ...

    Mojave Desert Native American Culture
    If, however, the tribes to the east and west the selected region (Sequoia National Park) are given consideration, we have the opportunity to clarify facts ...

    Serrano Indians
    the descriptions agreed to by the tribes themselves in ... Subsistence Resources. Plant Resources. Bean and Saubel's Temelpakh (1972), which pertains to the ...

    Chemehuevi Indians of the Mojave Desert
    The Serrano call them Yuakayam. The Yuma call them Mat-hatevach, meaning "northerners," and the Pima: Ahalakat, "small bows". Tribes of the Chemehuevi: ...

    The Origins of California's Indian Tribes: California Indian History
    This promoted coalescence into tribes and tribelets, identification with localities, and development of a strong cultural relationship between context and ...

    Kawaiisu Indians of the Mojave Desert
    Spring was a time for the young men and women of other tribes or families to meet and marry. Birth and death were also times to gather, with feasting and ...

    Weapons, Homes and Clothing Native American Culture
    The houses of the Northfork Mono probably typify those of the tribes near Sequoia Park. These are described by Gifford, 1932, pp. ...

    This was a time when the Spanish kept the indians in check by promoting raids and violence between tribes that may well have united against them. ...

    Clark Mountain
    The chief's name of the local Piute tribe at this time was Pachoca, a name transferred to the spring known today as Pachalka on the west side of the ...

    Mojave Indian History - Mining
    The government intended the new reservation to be occupied by various tribes who had lost their homelands in the Southwest. Its agents urged Mojaves and ...

    Mojave History - Railroads
    There was another flood in 1947, whereupon the tribe bought some 16 acres of land ... At CRIR, the Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT), which included some ...

    Social Organization of the Kawaiisu Culture
    Spring was a time for the young men and women of other tribes or ... Childbirth was a happy occasion and was a time for tribes and families to gather. ...

    Native American Games
    All the tribes of the Sequoia Park region were inveterate gamblers and it is very probable that a museum collection will contain a number of gaming ...

    Serrano Indians - Plant Resources
    Perhaps different tribes. Our Lord came to them. He asked them whether they would allow themselves to be transformed to make medicine, so that medicinal ...

    Jedediah Smith
    Jedediah Smith · Olive Oatman · Edward F. Beale Associated Tribes Chemehuevi Havasupai Hualapai Yavapai Wilderness Areas Chemehuevi Mountains . ...

    Fort Soda, Hancock's Redoubt
    A desperate battle followed in which the scales of victory tipped to the Army because of the primitive weapons used by the tribe. The Indian casualties were ...

    Coyote Tails
    He created every tribe out of the soil where they used to live. That is why an Indian wants to live and die in his native place. ...

    James Beckwourth
    Beckwourth's death came at age 69, while guiding a military column to a Crow Tribe in Montana. Complaining of severe headaches and suffering nosebleeds ...

    Cronology/timeline, Cahuilla Indians
    ... ranchers and outlaws, and groups of Mormon colonists, the Cahuilla came into conflict with the neighboring Cupeņo tribe to the west. ...

    Mojave Desert - Chief Juan Antonio, Cahuilla Indian
    In 1850 an Indian of this tribe, having murdered another Indian, was taken prisoner by the civil authorities and carried to Jurupa to be tried. ...

    Chemehuevi Reservation Affairs
    The Tribe thereupon petitioned Congress that Section 30 be divided between the Cabazon Reservation and the Twenty-nine Palms Reservation, with the latter ...

    Paiute Indians
    ... not ready to survive without the benefits of the trust relationship, Utah Senator Arthur Watkins included them on the list of tribes to be terminated. ...

    Railroads of the Mojave Desert
    Ft. Mojave Indian Tribe - Mojave Desert Whipple's company surveyed and mapped a railroad route from Ft. Smith, ... Many turned to the Atlantic and Pacific ...

    Cahuilla Indians
    The Cahuilla are Takic [Uto-Aztecan] peoples arriving in southern ...

    Santa Fe Railroad
    Ft. Mojave Indian Tribe - Mojave Desert Many turned to the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad (later the Santa Fe), which came to Needles in 1883. ...

    Serrano Indians - Oral History
    There were different tribes. There were many different kinds. The Serrano territory was ... That was the tribe of my relative, of my father's father. ...

    Bill Williams
    Bill settled with the Great Osages, learned their language, married into their tribe, and acquired considerable influence among them. ...

    Special Report on the Mountain Meadows Massacre
    Hamblin himself, their agent, informed that to his certain knowledge in 1856 there were but three guns in the whole tribe. I doubt if they had many more in ...

    Journal of Jedediah Smith
    My guides belonged to a tribe of indians residing in the vicinity called the wanyumas, not numerous for this barren country could not support them. ...

    Shoshone Land - Land of Little Rain - Mary Austin
    ... and, though there was now no order in the tribe, nor any power that could have lawfully restrained him, kept on in the old usage, to save his honor and ...

    Religion - World View Mojave Desert Indians
    The Cahuilla believed that they lived in a systematic, ...

    Pioneers in the Mojave History - Period Groups: Pioneers in the Mojave Desert
    There were those wishing to settle in the new lands of ...

    Clothing of Kawaiisu Indians
    The Kawaiisu Culture. Clothing and Adornments Made from skins, pelts, bark and tule, clothing was simple and ...

    Cahuilla Indians of the southern Mojave Desert
    Cahuilla. History Early History The history of the Cahuilla in general has been told in various Bean and Vane ...

    Trade and Social Structure
    How the Cahuilla Indians stored food, traded goods, and basic social structure.

    Tubatulabal Indians of the Seqouia/Southern Siera Nevada
    Tubatulabal. The home of the Tubatulabal lay on the main and South Branches of the Kern River, their territory thus ...

    Mojave Indian - Religion
    Mohave Indians MOJAVE ETHNOGRAPHY & ETHNOHISTORY Religion ...

    Serrano - Religion, World View
    SERRANO ETHNOGRAPHY & ETHNOHISTORY Religion, World View Serrano world view, like its culture in general, is less well known than that of some of their ...

    Southern Paiute Shelter/Homes
    Southern Paiute Indians. Shelter and Household Furniture ...

    Map - Indians of the Mojave Desert
    Mojave Desert Indians. Historic Desert Indian Territories Map. Territorial boundaries were probably not hard and ...

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