Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert |
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Mojave Desert Indians -
Serrano IndiansThe territory of the Serrano included the entire San Bernardino range of mountains, west into the San Gabriel mountains to North Baldy (Mt Baden-Powell), south across the San Bernardino Valley and eastward to near 29 Palms and the Oasis of Mara.Traditional TerritoryThe territorial claims of the different ethnic groups who occupied the Mojave and ...
Subsistence Resources
Material Culture, TechnologyThe Serranos acquired the many species of large and small animals available in the area with ...Trade, Exchange, StorageTheir principal trading partners were the Mojave to the east and the Gabrielino to the west, but they also traded with ...Social structure... each of whom belonged to either of two exogamous moieties, Coyote or Wildcat. Each clan was composed of ...Religion, World ViewSerrano world view, like its culture in general, is less well known than that of some of their neighbors, such as the ...History
Contents >> Next >> from: 2002 The Native American Ethnography and Ethnohistory of Joshua Tree National Park, An Overview. by Lowell John Bean, Ph.D. and Sylvia Brakke Vane, M.A. Also see: Sub-groups of the Serrano; Vanyume, Kitanemuk Four Directions InstituteEthnie: SERRANOLanguage: Northern Takic Family: Takic Stock: Uto-Aztecan Phylum: Aztec-Tanoan Macro-Culture: Southern California Speakers 1 1994 C.J. Coker 1 has since learned language, several others learning The Takic peoples arrived in southern California about 2,500 years ago. All were peaceful hunter/gatherer mountain and desert cultures. The Serrano delineation was a result of the Spanish missionization that separated them from the so called Gabrielino and Kitanemuk, with whom they comprised the Northern Takic language group. The Serrano herein include the Vanyume and Alliklik. They ranged throughout the San Bernardino Mountains, as far as the San Gabriel as far west as Mt. San Antonio. Ancestors of the present Serrano may well have ranged south of those mountains from Sierra Madre to the Morongo Valley. They occupied the region of the Mojave River in the high desert to the north. The Serrano had close cultural ties to the Cahuilla, an late, were allies and trading partners with the Chemehuevi and indeed adopted at least one band of that ethnie into their culture. Aboriginal Locations Akavat, Amaha-vit, Atu'aviatam, Kayuwat, Kupacha, Malki, Mara, Maringa, Mawaitum, Muhiatnim, Mukunpat, Nahyu, Palukiktam, Pihatupayam, Tuchahu, Tumunamtu, Turka, Wa'acham, Wakuhi, Yahaviat Present Locations MORONGO RESERVATION, Banning SAN MANUAL RESERVATION, Highland Year / History 1771 / Mission San Gabriel Arcangel founded 1772 / Pedro Fages entered territory 1776 / Garces arrived in territory 1812 / Revolted against missions along with Cahuilla and Yuma 1819 / Asistencia established near Redlands 1821 / Large number indentured to Mexican feudal barons 1834 / Many removed bodily to missions 1840 / Smallpox epidemic 1860 / Smallpox epidemic 1875 / Reservation established 1975 / 100 Claimed descent, per Bean and Smith Year / Population / Source 1700 / 1,500 / NAHDB calculation 1770 / 1,500 / Kroeber estimate 1800 / 1,500 / NAHDB calculation 1900 / 100 / NAHDB calculation 1910 / 118 / Census 1975 / 100 / Claimed descent, per Bean and Smith 2000 / 150 / NAHDB calculation Other speakers of the same language: Gabrielino, Kitanemuk |
![]() Native Location: Mojave Desert and the San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California Food: Acorn, Manzanita berries, pine nuts, yucca, deer, rabbit Language: Takic branch of Uto-Aztecan Cultural Notes: They were once sedentary hunter-gatherers. Serrano is Spanish for "mountaineer", but they called themselves Yuharetum, which means "people of the pines." |
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