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Wildflowers: Photo Guide - List


Encelia farinosa
wildflower, bigelow coreopsis
Wildflower photo taken at Joshua Tree National Park

Found in dry stony/gravelly slopes, creosote bush scrub.

Up to 3000'
Blooms March-May

Desert Habitat:
  • creosote bush scrub

    A common desert shrub of northwestern Mexico and the southwestern United States. Its common name comes from the brittleness of its woody stems.

    It is also called incienso because its dried stems were burned by early Spanish settlers as incense.

    Encelia farinosa grows to 1 m tall, with fragrant leaves 3-8 cm long, ovate to deltoid, and silvery tomentose. The capitula are 3-3.5 cm diameter, with orange-yellow ray florets and yellow or purple-brown disc florets. They are arranged in loose panicles above the leafy stems fruit 3-6 mm and there is no pappus.

    Plant & Wildflower Glossary

    Symbol: ENFA
    Group: Dicot
    Family: Asteraceae
    Duration: Perennial
    Growth Habit: Subshrub, Shrub
    Native Status:
    L48 N HI I

    Scientific classification
    Kingdom: Plantae
    Division: Magnoliophyta
    Class: Magnoliopsida
    Order: Asterales
    Family: Asteraceae
    Genus: Encelia
    Species: E. farinosa


    Active Growth Period Fall, Winter and Spring
    After Harvest Regrowth Rate
    Bloat None
    C:N Ratio High
    Coppice Potential Yes
    Fall Conspicuous No
    Fire Resistant No
    Flower Color Yellow
    Flower Conspicuous Yes
    Foliage Color Green
    Foliage Porosity Summer Moderate
    Foliage Porosity Winter Moderate
    Foliage Texture Coarse
    Fruit/Seed Color Black
    Fruit/Seed Conspicuous No
    Growth Form Single Stem
    Growth Rate Rapid
    Height at 20 Years, Maximum (feet) 1
    Height, Mature (feet) 5.0
    Known Allelopath Yes
    Leaf Retention No
    Lifespan Short
    Low Growing Grass No
    Nitrogen Fixation None
    Resprout Ability Yes
    Shape and Orientation Rounded
    Toxicity None

    Growth Requirements
    Adapted to Coarse Textured Soils Yes
    Adapted to Fine Textured Soils Yes
    Adapted to Medium Textured Soils Yes
    Anaerobic Tolerance None
    CaCO3 Tolerance High
    Cold Stratification Required No
    Drought Tolerance High
    Fertility Requirement Low
    Fire Tolerance None
    Frost Free Days, Minimum 365
    Hedge Tolerance High
    Moisture Use Low
    pH, Minimum 7.0
    pH, Maximum 8.5
    Planting Density per Acre, Minimum 7000
    Planting Density per Acre, Maximum 12000
    Precipitation, Minimum 5
    Precipitation, Maximum 10
    Root Depth, Minimum (inches) 12

    Shade Tolerance Intolerant
    Temperature, Minimum (°F) 27

    Bloom Period Winter
    Commercial Availability Contracting Only
    Fruit/Seed Abundance High
    Fruit/Seed Period Begin Summer
    Fruit/Seed Period End Summer
    Fruit/Seed Persistence No
    Propagated by Bare Root Yes
    Propagated by Bulb No
    Propagated by Container Yes
    Propagated by Corm No
    Propagated by Cuttings No
    Propagated by Seed Yes
    Propagated by Sod No
    Propagated by Sprigs No
    Propagated by Tubers No
    Seed per Pound 35000
    Seed Spread Rate Slow
    Seedling Vigor Medium
    Small Grain No
    Vegetative Spread Rate None

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