Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Mojave Desert Shrubs

Featured Shrubs

Creosote bush

Mojave yucca

Chaparral yucca

California juniper

Mormon tea

Yerba mansa

Yerba santa

Shrubs & Bushes List

Common Name Scientific Name Family
Big sage Brush Artemisia tridentata Sunflower
Bud Sage Artemisia spinescens Sunflower
Dwarf Sage Artemisia arbusculo nova Sunflower
White Bursage Ambrosia dumosa Sunflower
Woolly Fruited Bursage Franseria eriocentra Sunflower
Baccharis - Seep Willow Baccharis sp. Sunflower
Sweet Bush Bebbia juncea aspera Sunflower
Brickell Bush Brickellia sp. Sunflower
Black Banded Rabbit Bush Chrysothamnus paniculatas Sunflower
Golden Rabbit Bush Chrysothamnus nauseous Sunflower
Brittle Bush Encelia farinosa Sunflower
Rayless Encelia Encelia frutescens Sunflower
Snake Weed Gutierrezia sp. Sunflower
Golden Bush Haplopappus sp. Sunflower
Cheese Bush Hymenoclea salsola Sunflower
Mohave Aster Aster abatus Sunflower
Pygmy Cedar Peucaphyllum schottii Sunflower
Arrow Leaf Hoffmeisteria pluriseta Sunflower
Paper Flower Psilostroph cooperi Sunflower
Groundsel Senecio sp. Sunflower
Horse Brush Tetradymia sp. Sunflower
Golden Eye Viguiera deltoidea Sunflower
Four Wing Saltbush Atriplex canescens Goosefoot
All Scale Atriplex polycarpa Goosefoot
Shad Scale Atriplex confertifolia Goosefoot
Desert Holly Atriplex hymenolytra Goosefoot
Spiny Hopsage Grayia spinosa Goosefoot
Greasewood Sarcobatus vermiculata Goosefoot
Winter Fat Eurotia lanata Goosefoot
Mahonia - Barberry Berberis sp. Barberry
Desert Senna - Cassia Cassia armata Pea
Indigo Bush Dalea fremontii Pea
Ratany Krameria sp. Pea
Cliff Rose Cowania mexicana Rose
Apache Plume Fallugia paradoxa Rose
Antelope Bush Purshia tridentata Rose
Black Brush Coleogyne ramossissima Rose
Range Almond Prunus fasciculata Rose
Mormon Tea - Ephedra Ephedra sp. Joint Fir
Yerba Santa Eriodictyon angustifolia Water Leaf
California Buckwheat Eriogonum fasciculata Buckwheat
Heerman's Buckwheat Eriogonum heermannii Buckwheat
Ocotillo - Coach Whip Fourquieria splendens Fourquiera
Desert Olive - Forestiera Forestiera neo mexicana Olive
Single Leaf Ash Fraxinus anomola Olive
Spiny Menodora Menodora spinescens Olive
Silk Tassel Garrya flavescens Garrya
Coffee Berry - Pigeon Berry Rhamnus californica Buckthorn
Evergren Buckthorn Rhamnus crocea Buckthorn
California Lilac Ceanothus vestita Buckthorn
Bladder Pod Isomeris arborea Caper
Bush Penstamen Penstamen microphylla Snapdragon
Creosote Bush Larrea tridentata Caltrop
Desert Thorn Lycium sp. Potato
Jimson Weed - Datura Datura sp. Potato
Sandpaper Plant Petalonyx thurberi Loasa
Squaw Bush Rhus trilobata Cashew
Turpentine Broom Thamnosma montana Rue
Mohave Sage Salvia mohavensis Sage
Great Basin Blue Sage Salvia carnosa Sage
Rose Sage Salvia pachyphylla Sage
Chia Salvia columbarie Sage
Mohave Yucca Yucca schidigera Lily
Bear Grass - Nolina Nolina sp. Lily
Century Plant Agave deserti Lily

Shrub Dominated Ecosystems

A Shrub-Dominated Habitat is an area with greater than 10% covered by shrub species and less than ...

Featured Shrubs

    Creosote bush

    Creosotebush occurs throughout the Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan deserts. Its distribution extends from ...

    Mojave yucca

    Mojave yucca can be arborescent or shrublike, with single or clumped ...

    California juniper

    It occurs on desert slopes from the western edge of the Colorado Desert and Joshua Tree National Park to ...


Cat claw, (acacia greggii)

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