Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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A relationship in which one benefits, while the other is harmed.

Examples of parasitism:

A flea is a parasite on a coyote. The flea benefits by drinking the coyote's blood, but the coyote, by losing blood and acquiring discomfort and potential disease, is harmed.

Desert mistletoe extracts nutrients from a desert willow. When the mistletoe grows and requires more nutrients than the willow provides, the willow tree dies.

Also see:


    There are different ways symbiosis can happen - parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. Most organisms function under a varied combination of all three ...


    Also see: MUTUALISM, PARASITISM, SYMBIOTIC, More information: Creosote bush. Creosotebush uses white bursage as a nurse plant. Generally all young ...


    ... to host trees ensuring survival of both the mistletoe and the phainopepla. Also see: COMMENSALISM, PARASITISM, SYMBIOTIC,, Mutualism occurs when this ...


    refers to the intimate relationship between two organisms often resulting in mutualism (win-win), parasitism (win-lose), or commensalism (win-no ...

    Birds in Yosemite National Park

    Nest parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), a non-native species, has also been identified as a significant factor in the declines of certain ...

    Fremont's Cottonwood Tree

    Parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds has significantly negatively impacted willow flycatcher, Bell's vireo, warbling vireo, yellow warbler and common yellow ...

    Joshua Tree - Cheesebush

    This scaly-stemmed sand plant, pholisma arenarium, is a parasite. Its roots are imbedded in the roots of a nearby cheesebush or another host plant, ...

    Mistletoe - Bajada Nature Trail

    The mistletoe (Phoradendron californicum) found on desert plants such as palo verde and ironwood is a parasite. It draws food and water from its host. ...

    Birds in Yosemite National Park

    Nest parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), a non-native species, has also been identified as a significant factor in the declines of certain ...

Intro:: Nature:: Map:: Parks:: Points of Interest:: Ghosts & Gold:: Communities:: Roads & Trails:: People & History:: BLOG:: PDF:: Weather:: :?:: glossary
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