Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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A symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which both organisms benefit from the relationship.

Examples of mutualism:

Pollination of flowers by honey bees

A phainopepla eats mistletoe berries. The bird, while perching, passes undigested seeds in droppings to host trees ensuring survival of both the mistletoe and the phainopepla.

Also see:


    There are different ways symbiosis can happen - parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. Most organisms function under a varied combination of all three ...


    Also see: MUTUALISM, PARASITISM, SYMBIOTIC, More information: Creosote bush. Creosotebush uses white bursage as a nurse plant. Generally all young ...


    When the mistletoe grows and requires more nutrients than the willow provides, the willow tree dies. Also see: COMMENSALISM, MUTUALISM, SYMBIOTIC ...


    SYMBIOTIC - refers to the intimate relationship between two organisms often resulting in mutualism (win-win), parasitism (win-lose), or commensalism (win-no ...

    Subalpine Conifer - Ecosystems & Wildlife Habitats

    Dispersal of whitebark pine seeds by Clark's nutcrackers: a mutualism hypothesis . J. Anim. Ecol. 51:451-467. Tomback, D. F., and K. A. Kramer. 1980. Limber ...

Mutualism occurs when this bee pollinates the blossoms of this brittlebush.

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Wrightwood, Ca.
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Wrightwood, Ca.
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Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
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