Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert |
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Mojave Desert BiomeEcosystemsEcology: A branch of biology that deals with the relationships of organisms to one another and to their environments. - Ed.![]()
An ecosystem is a hierarchical set of open systems in which physical, chemical, and biological processes interact. Natural communities and their physical environment make up an ecosystem. This definition implies a whole unified by life processes. Ecosystems are living communities and interactive habitats.
Life at the Extremes
Desert Water Sources
EcosubsectionsAn area or region of land designated for study purposes that has distinct characteristics setting it apart from others. In the Mojave, two general ecosections, separated by geomorphic boundaries, are further classified into ecosubsections.Desert EcosystemsA closer look at similar, but very different desert ecosystems in two of our desert national parksJoshua Tree National Park Ecosystems
Deserts host plants and animals living in what strikes many humans as oppressive environments. Solar energy that green plants convert into food
fuels life here. Although in most ecosystems plants compete for sunlight, here most plants are adapted to minimize the effects of too much solar
energy. Death Valley National Park EcosystemsAn ecosystem is how it all works together. The geology of region provide for the plants, which provide for the animals that eat the plants and animals that eat ... HabitatsHabitats are environments that are inhabited by a specific plant species or animal.Flora & FaunaSpecific plant and animal species, and communities within, and around desert ecosystems. |
Vegetation*Within the environment lie the ecologies of biomes composed of habitats forming thier own environment. This is scaleable to all levels of environmental habitats. - Ed.Desert Habitat SummariesDesert Habitats![]() Biome A major biotic community characterized by the dominant plant life and the climate that generally prevails. Ecology The study of the natural interaction of organisms to one another within their environment. Food ChainsA food chain, in ecology, is a hierarchical series of transfers of energy in an ecological community according to the order of predation using the next usually lower member as a food source. - Ed.![]() Ecosections ![]() Last Chance Spring ![]() Round-tailed Squirrel |
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