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Tree & Shrub Dominated Wildlife Habitats:

Desert Shrub Habitats

    Desert Succulent Shrub

    (DSS) Octillo, Mojave Yucca, Desert Agave
    Desert Succulent Shrub habitats typically are low, open shrublands dominated (at least visually) by stem or other succulent plants. When Joshua trees are present in any number the habitat is considered a Joshua Tree habitat.

    Desert Wash

    (DSW) Paloverde Species, Desert Ironwood, Mesquite
    Desert Wash habitats are characterized by the presence of arborescent, often spiny, shrubs generally associated with intermittent streams (washes) or drier bajadas (alluvial deposits adjacent to washes), ...

    Desert Scrub

    (DSC) Creosotebush, Catclaw Acacia, Desert Agave
    Desert Scrub habitats typically are open, scattered assemblages of broadleaved evergreen or deciduous microphyll shrubs usually between 0.5 and 2 m (1.5 and 6.5 ft) in height; desert scrub plants rarely exceed ...

    Alkali Desert Scrub

    (ASC) Allscale, Saltbush Species, Shadscale
    Alkali Scrub plant assemblages (primarily chenopods) are generally subdivided into two phases: xerophytic and halophytic. The xerophytic phase (here, including Shadscale Scrub) consists of open stands of ...

Also see:

Desert Shrubs

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