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Wildflowers: Photo Guide - List

White Layia, Tidy Tips

White - Layia glandulosa

White layia - Tidy Tips

Habit:Plant 3--60 cm, glandular, often not strongly scented, sometimes spicy-scented.

Stem: not purple-streaked, often uniformly dark purple.

Leaf: < 10 cm, linear to obovate, proximal leaves generally +- irregularly toothed to lobed.

Inflorescence: peduncle 0--7 cm; involucre 3--11 mm diam, +- bell-shaped to hemispheric; phyllaries 4--11 mm, tip often < (sometimes >) folded base, basal margins interlocked by cobwebby hairs.

Ray Flower: 3--14; ray 3--22 mm, generally +- white, sometimes pale yellow, or golden yellow. Disk Flower: 17--105; corolla 3.5--6.5 mm; anthers yellow to +- brown.

Fruit: ray fruit glabrous; disk pappus of 10--15 scales, 2--5 mm, +- equal, linear and long-tapering or awl-shaped, white, scabrous and proximally plumose, often woolly on adaxial face. Chromosomes: 2n=16.

Ecology: Open gravelly or sandy soil, dunes; Elevation: < 2700 m. Bioregional Distribution: CaRH, s SNF, SNH, Teh, c&s SnJV, CW (extirpated SnFrB), SW (exc ChI), GB, D;

Distribution Outside California: to Washington, Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, Baja California.

Flowering Time: Feb--Jul

Bruce G. Baldwin & Susan J. Bainbridge 2012, Layia glandulosa, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on March 17, 2019.

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