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Mojave Desert Plants:
California BuckwheatEriogonum fasciculatum Native![]() Dried buckwheat flowers Common Names Eastern Mojave buckwheat, wild buckwheat, buckwheat, flat-top buckwheat Ethnobotanic Uses: The Cahuilla drank leaf tea for headache and stomach pain. Hot root tea drunk for colds and laryngitis. Root poultice was applied to wounds. A tea of dried flowers or dried roots was taken to prevent heart problems. Studies have identified leucoanthocyanidins beneficial to the heart in other Eriogonum species. Description: California buckwheat is a native evergreen shrub about 12 to 39 inches high and 28 to 51 inches wide. Branches are numerous, slender and flexible. Leaves are egg-shaped, 1.5 to 3.8 inches long and less than half an inch wide, smooth or fuzzy above and fuzzy beneath. Flowers are white or pink. Flowering period is from May through October. Seeds are light brown, angled and very small. Distribution: California buckwheat grows naturally on dry slopes and canyons near the coast from San Diego County north to Marin County. It is also found in Utah, Arizona and northwestern Mexico. Habitat: Dry slopes, washes and canyons in scrub Source: Portions from USDA High Desert Plains and Hills: Mojave Desert Ecological Subsections Shrublands: Allscale series, Birchleaf mountain-mahogany - California buckwheat series, Brittlebrush series, California buckwheat series, Chamise series, ... Pinto Basin and Mountains: Mojave Desert Ecological Subsections Shrublands: Birchleaf mountain-mahogany - California buckwheat series, Brittlebush series, California buckwheat series, Creosote bush series, Creosote bush ... Mojave Desert Wildflower List California Buckwheat - Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium - W177-mackay. Cream Cups - Platystemon californicus. Datura - Datura wrightii. Desert Alyssum ... Mojave Yucca - Spanish Dagger Joshua tree, banana yucca, blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima), creosotebush (Larrea tridentata), white sage (Salvia apiana), California buckwheat ... Chamise-Redshank Chaparral Wildlife Habitats In southern California, white sage, black sage, and California buckwheat are common at lower elevations and on recently disturbed sites (Hanes 1965, 1977). Lucerne - Johnson Valleys and Hills: Mojave Desert Ecological ... Shrublands: Allscale series, Black bush series, Brittlebrush series, California buckwheat series, Catclaw acacia series, Creosote bush series, Creosote bush ... Desert woodrat In coastal scrub, prefers live oak, chamise, and buckwheat as food plants ( Meserve 1974). Creosote, cholla, and prickly-pear are eaten in the Mojave Desert ... Deep Creek Hot Springs The vegetation ranges from sparse creosote, chamise and California buckwheat at lower elevations to oak and pinyon woodland and scattered mixed conifer, ... Joshua Tree - Habitat Shrub species include big sagebrush, blackbrush, Nevada ephedra, California buckwheat, Cooper goldenbush, burrobush, creasotebush, Anderson's wolfberry, ... Mormon Pioneers California Buckwheat, Eriogonum fasciculata, Buckwheat ... Camp Resting Springs A Mormon mail train was attacked here in 1854. There are still evidences of a ... Juniper - California Juniper snakeweed (Gutierrizia brecteata), narrowleaf goldenweed, and California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum). Desert edge and chaparral associates include ... Alpine Dwarf-Shrub Habitat ... alpine Eschscholtz buttercup, wild onion, rock-cress, mariposa lily, and several species of buckwheat (Parker and Matyas 1981, Cheatham and Haller 1975). Alkali Desert Scrub Wildlife Habitat ... kidney-leaved buckwheat, obtuse-leaved cleomella, desert sunbonnet, Booth evening-primrose, browneyed evening-primrose, desert globe-mallow, Nevada ... Juniper - Ecosystems & Habitats Shrub species typically associated with juniper habitats include antelope bitterbrush, California buckwheat, wax currant, gray horsebrush, green Mormon- tea, ... Skull Rock - Jumbo Rock Campground Red Top Buckwheat. Wild Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum) is a low spreading, green leaved plant ... A Delicate Balance. A member of the cypress family, ... Xeric - Mojave Desert - Glossary of Terms and Definitions The predominant natural plant communities are California sagebrush - California buckwheat series and ... Bucks Lake Soil moisture regimes are mostly xeric. Bladderpod - Peritoma arborea - Desert Wildflowers Birchleaf mountain-mahogany - California buckwheat series, Bitterbrush series , Black bush series, Bladderpod - California ephedra - narrowleaf goldenbush . Desert Scrub Wildlife Habitats 1980), Mojave Creosotebush - 41, Sonoran Creosotebush - 42 (Küchler 1977), Rabbitbrush Series, Buckwheat Series (Parker and Matyas 1981), Croton Series ... Desert Trumpet - Eriogonum inflatum - Desert Wildflowers Also found in similar soils in Joshua tree, and pinon-juniper woodlands. Flowers - January to May Buckwheat Family (Polygonaceae) Native American plant use: ... Diet of the Kawaiisu Seeds (wild rice, chia, sunflower and buckwheat, to name a few) were collected by sweeping them into a cloth-lined burden basket with a twined seed beater. Jeffrey Pine - Ecosystems & Wildlife Habitats Herbaceous species common to the Jeffrey pine type in southern California include rockcress, birdbeak, buckwheat, fritillary, groundsmoke, ivesia, lupine, rock ... Endangered Species in the Mojave Desert Sticky buckwheat, Eriogonum viscidulum - C KEY TO FEDERAL STATUS: E — Endangered T — Threatened C — Candidate S — Sensitive Source/references: |
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