Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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Refers to a species that is not only native to a geographic area but is also restricted to that area or specific habitat.

Also see:

Pupfish - Death Valley Wildlife

Endemic to Saratoga Springs at the south end of Death Valley. ... Endemic to Salt Creek in central Death Valley. Most active during spring mating season. ...

Wildlife of Yosemite National Park

The Yosemite toad is endemic to the region. The most common frog species is the ... One species, the Mount Lyell shrew is endemic to the Yosemite region ...

Desert Wildlife

Some animals survive only in the Mojave Desert, these are called endemic ... Endemic species usually have adapted to these conditions to the highest degree. ...

Grand Canyon Pictures

It is home to numerous rare, endemic (found only at Grand Canyon), and specially protected (threatened/endangered) plant and animal species. ...

Grand Canyon Plants

Grand Canyon boasts a dozen endemic plants (known only within the Park's boundaries) while only ten percent of the Park's flora is exotic. ...

Vegetation of Yosemite National Park

The lodgepole needle miner (Coleotechnites milleri) is a rather unique insect, endemic to the upper Tuolumne and Merced River watersheds of Yosemite ...

Grand Canyon natural environments

Springs offer refuge to endemic and exotic terrestrial wildlife species of Grand Canyon and maintain the riparian areas that are associated with this ...

Rodents - Death Valley Wildlife

Endemic to Mojave desert; low to mid-elevations; mainly solitary; burrow lacks mound of excavated dirt; hibernates more than half a year. ...

Ash Meadows

... education and wildlife-related recreational opportunities, Ash Meadows will once again be a wetland flourishing with endemic plant and animal life. ...

Grand Canyon Wildlife - Birds

There are no endemic birds here. Virtually all bird species present breed in other suitable habitats throughout the Sonoran and Mohave deserts. ...

Saratoga Springs - Death Valley

Saratoga Springs is also home to the Saratoga Pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis nevadensis) an endemic Death Valley species. ...

Amargosa River

... the Amargosa's bitter waters meander over 200 miles to do so. The Amargosa is home to the endemic Amargosa Pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis amargosae). ...

Endemic species can be either plants or wildlife. An endemic plant or animal has become endemic because it has adapted to its habitat to the highest degree.

  • Plants
  • Animals

    Desert Habitats
    A variety of geo-mineralogical conditions, elevation and water availability combine to create the basis for desert habitats.

    The Salt Creek pupfish are a species native to, and found only in (endemic) Salt Creek in Death Valley National Park.

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