Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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Alteration in the structure or function of an organism in any of its parts, by which the organism becomes better fitted to survive in its environment.


The Mojave Desert - Adaptations

... adaptations that allow them to thrive in such a harsh world. Following are some examples of the complex ways in which Mojave species have adapted.

The Mojave Desert - Adaptations, Plants

Parry nolina has adapted short roots for survival. Mesquite have the longest tap root of any desert species. Annuals are responsible for springtime wildflower ...

ENDEMIC - Mojave Desert - Glossary of Terms and Definitions

Some animals survive only in the Mojave Desert, these are called endemic ... Endemic species usually have adapted to these conditions to the highest degree.

Joshua Tree Wildlife

Reptiles are physiologically adapted to getting along with much less water than mammals and birds can fly to water. And desert mammals make more efficient ...

Predators - Desert Wildlife

Raptors are an interesting example of how every part of the bird is designed/ adapted to be successful in obtaining food. Predators are necessary to an healthy ...

Rodents - Desert Wildlife

Mammals, such as a mouse, rat, squirrel or beaver, that are characterized by large incisors adapted for gnawing or nibbling. ...

Mojave Desert Biome

... food fuels life here. Although in most ecosystems plants compete for sunlight, here most plants are adapted to minimize the effects of too much solar energy.

Owenyo/Manzanar Route Guide

The native plant community here is dominated by shrubs well-adapted to the hot, dry, alkaline conditions. Their gray-green color is the result of hairy or waxy leaf ...

Flora and Fauna of the Antelope Valley

Flora and Fauna of the Antelope Valley. The Antelope Valley is home to a wide range of plants and animals, all of which are adapted to the area's climate.

Death Valley National Park

It is home to plants, animals, and human beings that have adapted themselves to take advantage of its rare and hard won bounty. ...

Wildlife of Yosemite National Park

Under such a pattern, a wide range of wildlife species, which are adapted to take advantage of different habitat conditions created by a fire, ...

Bighorn Sheep

They eat grasses and other plants. Bighorn Sheep have hooves adapted to steep, rocky terrain and use their climbing abilities to escape predators. ...

Bobcat - Desert Wildlife

The short, powerful bobcat has adapted to pounce from ambush on birds, rodents and rabbits. Keen senses and immense patience, the shadows and night darkness ...

Wildflowers in Death Valley

Many desert annual wildflowers are adapted to long periods of dormancy, where the seeds lie in wait, sometimes for years. During a wet winter they sprout ...

Desert Animals

Desert animals, like desert plants, have adapted in very special ways to live in this hot, dry environment. When finding water is a problem, many animals ...

Desert Ecosystems

Although in most ecosystems plants compete for sunlight, here most plants are adapted to minimize the effects of too much solar energy. ...

The Mojave River and Associated Lakes - Mojave Preserve

...adapted to lake environments are restricted to spring-fed ponds or ephemeral spring fed streams, such as in portions of the Mojave River in Afton Canyon. ...

Ash Meadows

Twenty-five endemic species have adapted to live in and around the waters of Ash Meadows. Approximately 10000 years ago, large lakes and rivers were common ...

Ash Meadows

They have adapted to make their tail break off to escape predators. By late fall, as the temperatures drop to the 40s, larger lizards and snakes begin to ...

Ash Meadows

A year-round resident, the top-knotted Gambel's quail, is the most arid land-adapted quail. Quails are generally monogamous (one mate for life). ...

Ash Meadows

These rabbits have adapted to handle the hot summers. Their light-colored fur keeps them cool, while their large ears help release heat like a car's ...

Riparian Habitat of Grand Canyon Wildlife

These native species were specifically adapted to highly variable seasonal fluctuations in sediment load, flow, and temperature, and were severely impacted ...

Competition for food with Bighorn Sheep

How bighorn sheep have adapted to their changing environment. ... Although they've adapted well to higher, steeper ground, feral burros and wild horses ...

Wildlife at Hoover Dam

Yet, the Mojave Desert is alive with plants, animals, insects, fish and reptiles which have all adapted to the desert climate. The desert environment meets ...

Grand Canyon Wildlife Desert Scrub Habitat

The arid conditions of the desert scrub uplands favor a fauna comprised chiefly of reptiles and desert-adapted rodents. Except for the desert banded gecko, ...


The creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) is well adapted to arid desert conditions. Its roots are shallow and widely spaced so each plant absorbs moisture ...

Grand Canyon Wildlife - Reptiles

Desert Scrub: The arid conditions of the desert scrub uplands favor a fauna comprised chiefly of reptiles and desert-adapted rodents. ...

Bighorn Sheep Hooves

They have adapted to this type of terrain to escape predators and protect themselves when bedding and lambing. Desert Bighorn can run on level ground at up ...
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