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Indian Culture Bibliography (Owens Valley Paiute, Tubatulabal, Western Mono, Yokuts) Coville, Frederick, V. 1892 The Panament Indians of California. Amer. Anthr., 5:351-381, 1892 Culin, Stewart 1907 Games of the North American Indians. Bur. Amer. Ethn., 24th Ann. Rept. Washington D. C. Curtis, Edward S. 1926 The North American Indian. V. 15. Garces, Francisco 1900 On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer. The diary and itinerary of Francisco Garces, 1775-6. Edit, by Elliott Coues, New York, 1900. vols. I-II Gayton, A. H. 1929 Yokuts and Western Mono Pottery-making. Univ. Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn. 24 (3) :239-251, pls., text figs., map. 1930-a Yokuts-Mono Chiefs and Shamans. Univ. Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. And Ethn., 24 (8): 361-420 (Oct.) 1930-b The Ghost Dance of 1870 in south-central Calif. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 23 (3): 57-82, text figures. Gifford, E. W. 1917 Tubatulabal and Kawaiisu Kinship Terms. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. and Ethn., 12:219-248. Gifford, E. W. and Schenek, W. Egbert. 1926 Archaeology of the Southern San Joaquin Valley, Cal. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. and Ethn., 23 (1): 1-122, plates 1-34, 1 map. Gifford, E. W. 1932 The Northfork Mono. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 31 (2): 15-85, plates 1-16, text figs., map. Hodge, F. W. editor 1910 Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bur. Amer. Enth., Bull. 30, pts. 1-2, Washington D. C. Holmes, W. H. 1888 A Study of the Textile Art in its Relation to the Development of Form and Ornament. Bur. Amer. Eth. 6th Ann. Rept. Washington, D. C. Holmes, William H. 1902 Anthropological Studies in California. Rept. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1900, pp. 155-188, Washington, D. C. Hudson, J. W. 1902 An Indian Myth of the San Joaquin Basin. Jour. Amer. Folklore, 15:104-6. Kroeber, A. PL. 1906-a Yokuts Names. Jour. Amer. Folk-lore, 19:142-143. 1906-b The Yokuts and Yuki Languages. The Boas Anniversary Volume, pp. 64-79, New York. 1907-a Shoshonean Dialects of California. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 4: 65-166. 1907-b The Religion of the Indians of California. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 4: 319-356. 1907-c Indian Myths from South Central California. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 4: 167-250. 1907-d The Yokuts language of South Central California. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. and Ethn., 2 (5): 165-377. 1920 California Culture Provinces. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 17: 151-169. 1925 Handbook of the Indians of California. Bur. Amer. Ethn., Bull. 78:474-543 on Yokuts. Pp. 581-592 includes Mono. Mallery, Garrick. 1886 Pictographs of the North American Indians. Bur. Amer. Ethn., 4th Ann. Rept., Washington. Mason, Otis T. 1904 Aboriginal American Basketry. Rept. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1902, pp. 171-548, Washington, D. C. Merriam, C. Hart 1914 Distribution of Indian tribes in the Southern Sierra and Adjacent Parts of the San Joaquin Valley, California. Science, n.s. 19:912-917. Parcher, Frank M. 1930 The Indians of Inyo County. The Masterkey, 4:146-153. Publ. by Southwest Mus. Los Angeles., Cal. Powers, Stephen 1877 Tribes of California. Contri. N. Amer. Ethn., vol. 3, Washington, D. C. Includes appendix: Linguistics by J. W. Powell. Steward, Julian H. 1929-a Petroglyphs of California and Adjoining states. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 24 (2): 47-238, pls., text figs., maps. 1929-b Irrigation Without agriculture. Mich. Acad. Sci., 12:149-156. 1933 Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 33, (3): 233-250, pls., text figures, maps. 1934 Two Paiute Autobiographies. Univ. of Cal. Publ. Amer. Arch. & Ethn., 33 (5): 423-438. Stewart, George W. 1906 A Yokuts Creation Myth. Jour. Amer. Folk-lore., 19:322. 1908 Two Yokuts Traditions. Jour. Amer. Folk-lore., 21:237-239. Thomas, Trevor 1933 Willow Weavers: A Problem in Presentation. The Museums Journal (England), 33 (9): 315-318 (Dec.), 1933. << Back - Next >> |
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