Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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An alkaline substance is comprised of salts and other dissolved materials and is often found in desert soils and water; alkali can neutralize acids. Alkaline water is bitter, slippery, and caustic.


More information:

Plant Communities of Harper Dry Lake Marsh

The highly alkaline soils underlying these communities are saturated most of the year and occasionally "puff" up as a result of surface saturation - a playa ...

Mojave Yucca - Spanish Dagger

Soils and climate: Mojave yucca generally occurs on gravelly soils, and has been reported on alkaline and saline soils. It is well adapted to xeric ...

Fan Palm Oasis - Desert Habitats

Thus, Palm Oasis habitats generally occupy sites with moist alkaline soils near seeps, springs, and streams. The largest fan palm groves are along permanent ...


They will often be found in alkaline soils near water holes. Although a single flower of the blossom is only a few millimeters long, they are clustered into ...


The lake is too alkaline for fish to live, but supports an abundance of birds living on alkali flies, which in turn live off brine shrimp, which feed on ...

Bristlecone Pine Forest

Above 11000 feet elevation, in the alkaline soils of the White Mountains, an ancient forest of Bristlecone Pine makes its stand. The Great Basin Bristlecone ...

Exotic plants at Barker Dam

Other plants, like saltbush, sprout along the wash edge, where runoff and evaporation produce a more alkaline soil. In wet years red-spotted toads, ...

Trona Pinnacles

Deep beneath Searles Lake, calcium-rich groundwater and alkaline lake water combined to grow tufa formations. Today you see the rare aftermath of these ...

Ash Meadows

Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), located 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas, NV encompasses over 22000 acres of spring-fed wetlands and alkaline ...

Alkaline water at Badwater, Death Valley

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