Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Wildflower List:


Encelia farinosa

Brittlebush grows to 1 meter tall, with fragrant leaves 3-8 centimeters long. It can be found in a variety of desert habitats from dry gravelly slopes to open sandy washes up to 1000 meters. It does well in cultivation and recently has spread dramatically in areas not natural to its distribution in large part because Caltrans has begun to use it in hydroseeding.

Has green-white grayish leaves and becomes covered with yellow daisy flowers. The flowers will attract butterflies and birds eat the seeds. The common name Incienso refers to the aromatic, resinous sap which has been used as an incense substitute in Mexico.


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Country Life Realty
Wrightwood, Ca.
Mountain Hardware
Wrightwood, Ca.
Canyon Cartography
G.A. Mercantile

Grizzly Cafe
Family Dining

Abraxas Engineering
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