Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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History : Profiles in Mojave Desert History

Father Joaquin Pasqual Nuez

From: Spanish and Indian place names of California

Las Animas Benditas

Approximate site of Indian massacre, Las Animas Benditas (The Blessed Souls)

Of Las Animas (the souls), which lay between San Gabriel and the country of the Amajaba (Mojave) Indians, we find the story in Fray Joaquin Pasqual Nuez's diary of the expedition made in 1819 by Lieutenant Gabriel Moraga, to punish the marauding Amajabas, who had murdered a number of Christian natives.

The Moraga party arrived at a point "about a league and a half from Our Lady of Guadalupe of Guapiabit. We found the place where the Amajabas killed four Christians of this mission (San Gabriel), three from San Fernando, and some gentiles (unbaptized Indians). We found the skeletons and skulls roasted, and, at about a gun-shot from there we pitched camp. The next day, after mass, we caused the bones to be carried in procession, the cross in front. Padre Nuez chanting funeral services, to the spot where they had been burned. There we erected a cross, at the foot of which we caused the bones to be buried in a deep hole, and then we blessed the sepulchre. We named the spot Las Animas Benditas (The Blessed Souls). May they rest in peace!

Expedition of Father Nuez

Father Joaquin Pasqual Nuez accompanied the soldiers and kept a diary. On November 25th the expedition camped at a village called Guapiabit (Las Flores ...

Descending the Mojave River

Moraga and Fray Joaquin Pasqual Nuez renamed the place Las Animas Benditas de Atongaibit, (12) and the Mojave River was renamed Rio de las Animas ...

Spanish Explorers in the Mojave

Fr. Hermengildo Garces · Don Gabriel Moraga · Fr. Joaquin Pasqual Nuez. Juan María Antonio Rivera Francisco Atanasio Domínguez Francisco Silvestre Vélez ...

Old Skeletons and New Trails

Expedition of Father Nuez. One such military expedition actually refers to the village of Topipabit. In 1819 Lieutenant ... Jedediah Smith Crosses the Desert ...

Indians Raid the Settlement

It was the Mohaves who left the trail of bodies which Father Nuez discovered on this very stretch of road in 1819. There were other hostile Indians who could ...

Timeline of History of the Mojave Desert

1819 Nuez, Fr. Joaquin Pasqual accompanies Moraga into Mojave Desert the Moraga party on a punitive expedition against the Amajaba (Mojave) Indians.

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