Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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Usually refers to large wild animals such as mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians living in a natural environment. The term is generally not used to describe smaller animals like insects. Animals or their progeny that were once domesticated but escaped captivity and are running wild (i.e. feral animals) such as horses, burros and hogs are not considered wildlife.

Also see:

Desert Wildlife

Information on wildlife in the Mojave desert. Includes photos and food chains.

Desert Animals - Desert Wildlife

WILDLIFE BY PREDATION Predators Carnivores or omnivores that hunt, kill and eat other animals.

Desert Wildlife Watching

Wildlife Watching in the Mojave Desert. ... Personally, the best in wildlife watching comes from viewing animals without interrupting them. ...

Wildlife of Yosemite National Park

Description of the wildlife of Yosemite National Park.

Birds, Wildlife in the Mojave Desert

Migrating and resident birds found in various habitats in the Mojave Desert.

Grand Canyon Wildlife

As a result, three broad wildlife habitats exist: the Colorado River corridor and inner canyon riparian areas (Riparian), inner canyon desert uplands ...

Diurnal - Desert Wildlife

Diurnal Wildlife in the Mojave Desert.

Ash Meadows

Pictures of Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge. ... National Wildlife Refuge Warm water from underground bubbles up through sand into clear spring pools. ...

Big Morongo Canyon Wildlife Preserve

Wildlife The Preserve offers food, cover and water to many resident birds, and shelters many migrant and vagrant ...

Wildlife at Hoover Dam

WATER - All wildlife needs water. There are many water sources such as rain, dew, ... SHELTER - All wildlife needs cover for protection while feeding, ...

Colorado River, Topock Marsh

The marsh serves as a critical resting place for migratory waterfowl and a home to resident songbirds, waterbirds, and other wildlife. ...

Desert Ecosystems

A large, productive plant like the Joshua tree is the focal point for a complex community of wildlife. Some birds nest in the living tree. ...
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