Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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A person or other animal who uses things: a rabbit is a consumer of grass; a coyote is a consumer of rabbits. In nature, there are two kinds of consumers, primary and secondary. The rabbit, as a consumer of plants, is a primary consumer. The coyote is a secondary consumer. (Since the rabbit is essentially made out of rearranged grass, the coyote, by eating the rabbit, is consuming the plants secondarily, and so is a secondary consumer.)

Also see: producer, predator

    Desert Food Chain

    They usually consist of a producer, a consumer and a predator, with the ... The concept of a pyramid of consumers in an ecosystem helps to understand how an ...

    Chuckwalla Lizard

    Younger, smaller, lizards have a greater amount of species to fear. The chuckwalla is a consumer in the desert food chain. The chuckwalla is potential prey for: ...

    Prey Animals

    ... all available food, ultimately starving themselves to death. The cottontail rabbit and the mourning dove are both primary consumers and typical prey animals.

    Mountain Lion - Desert Wildlife

    consuming > Mule deer a primary consumer, which consumes > plants. The Mountain Lion is the largest of the wild cats in North America. A male lion can ...

    Mojave Desert Biome

    Ecosystem Interactions of Populations. Consumers; Predation, Herbivory, and Parsitism; Competition; Natural Competition; Complex Interactions; Responses ...

    House Finch - Birds, Wildlife in the Mojave Desert

    They primarily eat grains, seeds and berries, being voracious consumers of weed seeds such as nettle and dandelion; included are incidental small insects, ...

A jackrabbit is basically just a bunch of grass rearranged.

By eating the rabbit, the coyote benefits from the grass.
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Abraxas Engineering
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