Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Spanish Explorers : Garces - Crossing the Mojave

Upon the Road of the Expedition

p 247
and the Valle de San Joseph. Its descent is little wooded. At a little distance from its foot I found another rancheria where the Indians received me very joyfully. I continued westsouthwest,22 and having traveled three leagues along the skirt of the sierra, I halted in the Arroyo de los Alisos.22

Mar. 23. I traveled half a league westsouthwest, and one south, at the instance of some Indians who met me and made me go to eat at their rancheria. Thereafter having gone another league westsouthwest I came upon the road of the expedition, 24 which

" Bancroft, /. c., misprints this course " E. S. E.," no doubt by error of his copy; it is very plainly " Oestsudoeste " in my copy. The Beaumont MS. has " Oestsudueste, y al Oeste"; the pub. Doc., p. 281, has " estsudueste y al oest."

" Arroyo de los Alisos, which would be Alder (or Sycamore) gulch in English, is a tributary of Santa Ana river, and on it is Cocomungo or Cucamonga, which was merely a ranch when I passed it in 1865, between San Bernardino and the modern Pomona, on the main road to San Gabriel and Los Angeles. It was called Arroyo de Osos or Bear gulch on Anza's expedition of 1774, which Garces accompanied. His halt to-night is at or near the site of this ranch.

** Route of the main party under Anza, easily picked up from Font's Diary, which enables us to identify the names used by Garces along here. Refer to note ' p. 204, after date of Jan 3, where Puerto de San Carlos is identified with modern San Gor- gonio pass; and see Font's map, camp-mark " 55," on this spot. Thence on Dec. 27 the expedition went some 6 leagues N. W. and W. N. W. to the beginning of the Canada de San Patricio; mark "56." Dec. 28, remained; observed lat. 33" 37'. Dec. 29,

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