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Mining History:
Desert Fever Inyo County: TecopaAt approximately the same time Pablo Flores discovered Cerro Gordo, silver-lead ores were discovered at Tecopa. Little is known of the early history of this mine except that it enjoyed a production from 1865 to 1882 that eventually warranted the construction of a ten stamp mill and three furnaces in 1880. By 1881,40 men were involved in the various mining operations here. A 1,000 foot tunnel was dug to open a vein composed of galena at the surface and changing in depth to a carbonate ranging in value from $60 to $400 a ton, with an $80 average. Known as the Gunsight Mine, it is related to Turner's famous discovery in name only (Turner's discovery was supposedly much further north). Most of the Gunsight Mine's production occurred during the twentieth century. |
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