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Mining History: Desert Fever

Kern County:


1) William B. Clark, Gold Districts of California, Bulletin 193 (Sacramento: California Division of Mines and Geology, 1976), pp. 42, 82; William Harland Boyd, Land of Havilah 1854-1874 (Bakersfield: Kern County Historical Society, 1952), p. 39.

2) Boyd, p. 43; Mike Engle, “The Sageland Saga,” Desert, December, 1970, p. 40.

3) Engle, pp. 39-40; Havilah Courier, March 21, 1868; R. .1. Sampson and W. B. Tucker, “Mineral Resources of Kern County, California,” California journal of Mines and Geology 45 (1949): 233; Rossiter W. Raymond, Mines and Mining Statistics of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1876), p. 35 (Annual publication, hereafter cited as Raymond, followed by year].

4) Bennie W. Troxel and Paul K. Morton, Mines and Mineral Resources of Kern County, California, County Report 1 (Sacramento: California Division of Mines and Geology, 1962), p. 124; Havilah Courier, June 22,1869.

5) Troxel and Morton, pp. 124, 155, 184.

6) Ibid., pp. 57-60; Tucker and Sampson, “Mineral Resources of Kern County,” pp.215, 233; Idem, “Gold Resources of Kern County,” California Journal of Mines and Geology 29 (,1933): 301.

7) Troxel and Morton, pp. 133-1 96; Tucker and Sampson, “Gold Resources of Kern County,” p. 306.

8) Tucker and Sampson, “Gold Resources of Kern County,” p. 301 Troxel and Morton, pp. 133-1 96.

9) Troxel and Morton, pp. 46-47, 133-196; Tucker and Sampson, “Gold Resources of Kern County,” pp.303, 309.

10) Los Angeles Tri-Weekly News, April 1, 1863, May 12, June 18 and August 30, 1864.

11) Ada Giddings, “Goler's Lost Gold,” Desert, March, 1952, p. 8; Marcia Wynn, Desert Bonanza: The story of Early Randsburg (Glendale: Arthur H. Clark Company, 1963), p. 58.

12) Wynn, pp. 58-60; Roberta A. Starry, “Mojave Desert's Wild Dutchman,” Frontier Times, October-November, 1970, pp. 38-39.

13) Los Angeles Herald, December 3, 1893; Wynn, p. 110; Lambert Florin, Ghost Towns of the West (New York: Promontory Press, 1973), p.205.

14) Wynn, p. 256; Florin, p. 209.

15) Eugene L. Conrotto, “Loop Trip Through the El Pasos,” Desert, January, 1958, p. 22; Troxel and Morton, p. 83.

16) Troxel and Morton, p.261.

17) Ibid., pp. 85-89 ; Russ Leadabrand, Exploring California Byways III, Desert Country (Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1969), p. 55.

18) Leadabrand, p. 63; Troxel and Morton, pp. 272-273.

19) Troxel and Morton, p. 201; Starry, p. 68.

20) Wynn, pp. 72, 73, 76.

21) Ibid., pp. 78-79, 81.

22) Ibid., pp. 80-81, 82, 83; Yellow Aster Mining and Milling Company payroll check, from author's collection.

23) Troxel and Morton, p. 117; Wynn, p. 95.

24) Wynn, pp. 97, 103-1 04, 123-124.

25) Troxel and Morton, pp. 166, 184; Wynn, p. 129.

26) Wynn, pp. 136-143, 145, 256; Calico Print, July, 1951; Harrison Doyle, A Boy's eyeview of the Wild West,” Desert, August, 1959, p. 6.

27) Wynn, p. 137; Randsburg Miner

28) Wynn, p. 135; Randsburg Miner

29) Wynn, pp. 137, 145.

30) Randsburg Miner, July 2, 1898; Troxel and Morton, p. 100; Wynn, pp. 149-150.

31) Troxel and Morton, p. 102; Wynn, p. 150.

32) Wynn pp. 137, 153.

33) Randsburg Miner, September 22, 1900.

34) Wynn, pp. 195-201; W. C. Wilkinson, “I milled the Yellow Aster Gold,” Calico Print, July, l951, p. 1.

35) Robert Wallace, The Miners (New York: Time-Life Books, 1976), pp.112-115; Grover Kane, “He Saw Old Randsburg Boom,” Calico Print, July, 1951, p.

36) Wynn, p. 227.

37) Dwight M. Lemon and John V. N. Dorr, Tungsten Deposits of the Atolia District, San Bernardino and Kern Counties, California, U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 922-H (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1940), p. 207.

38) Ibid pp. 208, 2 16-238; Wynn, p. 228.

39) Lemon and Dorr, p. 209; Randsburg Miner, April 8, 1905.

40) Los Angeles Times, April 30, October 22, 1915; Lemon and Dorr, p. 209.

41) David G. Thompson, The Mohave Desert Region, U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 578 (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1928), p. 230; Troxel and Morton, p. 128; Los Angeles Times, April 30, 1915 ; Wynn, p. 231 .

42) Lemon and Dorr, p. 209; Wynn, p. 233.

43) Wynn, pp. 240.242.

44) Thompson, p. 229.

45) Troxel and Morton, p. 129; Wynn, pp. 243, 245.

46) Lauren A. Wright, et. al., “Mines and Mineral Deposits of San Bernardino County, California,” California Journal of Mines and Geology 49 (January-April, 1953): 137.

47) Wynn, pp. 244,249, 251-252; Thompson, pp. 27, 229.

48) Lemon and Dorr, pp. 209, 216, 221, 224, 232, 238.

49) Ibid., pp. 230-232, 236, 239-240.

50) Ibid pp. 224, 241.

51) E. Needham, Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook 1942 (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1943), pp. 21, 677; Thompson, pp. 229-230.

52) Frank L. Hess, Gold Mining in the Randsburg Quadrangle, California, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 4 30-I (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, l9lO),p. 129.

53) Troxel and Morton, p. 129; Tucker and Sampson, “Gold Resources of Kern County,” p. 335.

54) Troxel and Morton, p. 129; Clark, p. 167.

55) Troxel and Morton, pp. 43-44, 92, 120.

56) Ibid. pp. 120-121, 127, 131.

57) Troxel and Morton, pp. 43-44, 108; Lets go Gold Mining (Santa Cruz: privately printed, 1964), pp. 45, 46.

58) Troxel and Morton, p. 108.

59) Ibid. p.125.

60) Ibid. pp. 101, 105.

61) Ibid. pp. 103, 104, 117; Glen A. Settle, Tropico-Red Hill With a Glamorous History of Gold (Rosamond: privately printed, 1969), p. 1.

62) Settle, pp. 3, 4, 7, 8.

63) Troxel and Morton, p. 125; Settle, pp. 8-12.

64) Hoyt S. Gale, “Geology of the Kramer Borate District, Kern County, California,” California Journal of Mines and Geology 42 (1946): 325; Troxel and Morton, pp. 39, 68; W. E. VerPlanck, “History of Borax Production in the United States,” California Journal of Mines and Geology 52 (1956): 287.

65) VerPlanck, p. 288; Troxel and Morton, p. 61.

66) Troxel and Morton, pp. 64-65; VerPlanck, p. 289.

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