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Desert Fever - San Bernardino County Mining History
Southeastern San Bernardino County


With the discovery in early 1906 of gold southwest of Needles by C. H. McClure, numerous prospectors began to flock to the area. In January or February, McClure bonded the Gold Dollar Claim to the California Mining Company. During the summer, they made a shipment to the Needles smelter which yielded an amazing 13 ounces of gold a ton. By December, 1906, plans were being drawn up for the townsite of Goldbend by the California Hills Company. In conjunction with these plans, they were to immediately begin work on a boarding house, company office, other buildings, and a deep well for a water supply. Nothing more is heard in 1907, but in November, 1908, it was reported that Goldbend was attracting much attention. There were 6 shafts on the California Hills property, the deepest being 112 feet. Fifteen miners were employed. 75

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