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Colorado River, Needles, Topock Gorge
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Needles - Topock, Arizona

Not far away, maybe 100 miles or so, abundant water teases and contrasts with the sand and rock. If one stands beyond a rise, even just yards away, it may be hard to tell there is a river there at all.

Also see:

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge
    From desert bighorn sheep to the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher, birds and other animals at Havasu National Wildlife Refuge rely on the life-giving waters of the lower Colorado River. The refuge protects ...
Needles, California
    Needles, beautiful desert surroundings, the scenic Colorado River, winters full of sunshine ideal for all types of activities, bright blue skies, potential for growth and a...
Colorado River
    The Colorado River runs approximately 1,450 mi (2,330 km) from the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains across the southwestern United States to ...
Mohave Indians
    The tall men would walk naked and cake their hair with mud, twisting it into shapes. The beautiful women would wear rabbit and beaverskin capes. They practiced face tattooing and painting. The spirit of ...
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