The Legend of Willie Boy
by T.C. Wier - Desert Magazine - August 1980
There is something about the California Desert that
prompts men on the run to seek her sanctuary. Joaquin
Murrieta, a Mexican bandito of an earlier time, used
her boulders and ravines to hide from the law
for many months. The infamous Manson Family
headquartered in the desert, as did At Capone, way back
when. Even now, it's a rare year that some desperado
does not flee to her anonymous stretches, hoping
to dodge lawmen on the hunt with horses and 4WDs and,
lately, helicopters. Of all who have sought her refuge,
though, none looms more boldly in our desert lore than
a young
Paiute Indian
called Willie Boy.
Bolstered by stolen whiskey and blinded by his love for a young
Indian girl named Lolita, Willie Boy, on a hot September night in 1909, shot
and killed Lolita's father, and then fled with her into the wilds of the Mojave Desert.
There, armed only with a Winchester rifle, plus a keen knowledge of desert survival,
Willie Boy eluded capture for nearly three weeks. Unmatched in duress to this day,
that sojourn earned for Willie Boy a permanent place in the history of the
California Desert.
Had he not run, but surrendered or been captured at the scene, it is doubtful
the Indian would have been given more than a mention in the local press. Murders
were then, as now, common events and Indians were often afoul of the law. The
killing of an Indian by another Indian in 1909 would have hardly raised an eyebrow,
let alone gain national attention.
But Willie Boy decided to run and men like to chase after running prey, especially
prey that is cunning and dangerous. So when word spread that Old Mike Boniface,
Chemeheuvi Indian, had been
shot dead under his own blanket and his daughter
taken captive into the desert, men began to saddle up and load up and move out
in what was to become one of the biggest manhunts in
the history of the Old West,and one of its last.
By 1909 the Old West as we see it today in movies and on television had all but vanished
from real life. More and more, people were becoming citified. They
moved about in motorcars, dressed like dudes, built houses complete with inside toilets
that flushed. Change was in the air, progress ran at full throttle. To try to hold
onto the dying past meant only to die with it.
Then the Willie Boy saga exploded and for one brief moment the Old West was
born again. Men on horseback, with guns and grit and a sense of law and order,
Western Style, arose like phantoms from the past to ride once more across the
open range.
Willie Boy was in the truest sense a desert Indian. Born in
Pahrump, Nevada, he migrated with his
family to an oasis at
Twentynine Palms,
California. There he learned to shoot and
hunt and ride a horse with amazing skill.
He was a runner, too, and one of the best
baseball players in Banning, California, an
important desert farming region and the
scene of his treacherous murder of
Old Mike.
As with other Indians of that area, Old
Mike and his people were in Banning to
work the almond harvest. Willie Boy was
working the ranches, too, but his real
reason for being in Banning was because
Lolita was there. He loved her very much.
Marriage, though, was forbidden.
Distantly related, such a union would have
been considered heinous among the
Indians. Willie Boy knew this, but he either
did not agree with it, or felt it unimportant
in light of the love he had for the girl.
He thus ignored Old Mike's warning to
forget his daughter and leave her alone.
Instead, he captured her and took her
away. Marriage by capture, an ancient
custom among Indians of that area, was
rarely practiced in Willie Boy's time. That
he used it clearly showed the lengths he
was willing to go to possess the girl.
When Old Mike discovered his daughter
had been taken by Willie Boy, he quickly
tracked them down and recaptured the
girl. By custom, he would have had the
right to kill Willie Boy, but because of past
friendships, he merely upbraided him and
returned with Lolita to camp. This was his
fatal error. In three months' time, Old Mike
himself would be dead and Lolita would
be, once again, Willie Boy's captive bride.
The California Desert can be a deadly
adversary. Caught beneath her sun without
water or proper covering, she can kill you
in less than a day. Wander too far from road
or house or other landmark, she'll trick
you into vertigo, then bake you to death
while you dig at her sand for water.
Decline to rest in whatever shade she
provides, she'll oblige your foolishness
with a forced march through her burning
hell. Never take the desert for granted,
never think to deal with her on any terms
but hers.
Willie Boy had respect for the desert,
both as friend and as adversary. He had
walked her many times, hunted her game,
drank from her springs, slept upon her
shifting sands. He had been whipped by
her windstorms, broiled by her sun. He
knew the wrath of her winters and the
fierceness of her flash floods, one of which
had swept his own parents to their deaths
when Willie Boy was but a child. He knew
what he could do with her and what he
could not, so he trusted her to help
him escape.
The pair were able to gain a good
six hours on any one who chose to
follow them. Fearing death, too,
Old Mike's family had waited that long to
report the killing to authorities. Still, Willie
Boy took no chances. Keeping well out of
sight of the main roads, he made his way
with Lolita through the draws and canyons
that bordered the high deserts, of Morongo
Segundo Chino, an Indian
tracker, was a member of the
posse and a hero of the ambush.
Valley and Yucca. Three days later, they
reached an area called The Pipes. There
Willie Boy risked a campfire to cook a
rabbit he had shot.
Trackers, arriving at The Pipes the next
day, found the campfire still warm.
Encouraged, those who could pushed on,
confident that Willie Boy was just ahead.
He was also in trouble. While his tracks
were steady and sure, it was apparent that
Lolita's were becoming scuff marks in the
sand. She was either resisting or tiring out.
Whatever, her reluctant steps were sure to
slow Willie Boy down. Taking heart in this
knowledge, the men bedded down for the
night, certain this matter with the Indian
would soon be settled.
Having breakfast before sunup, the men
were back on the trail by dawn. Happily, it
read the same as yesterday. Lolita was
holding Willie Boy back. His quarry had
become his snare.
The men grew silent as they gathered at
the top of a ridge and looked down. Only
the careless squeak of saddlery and the
occasional snort of a horse broke the
stillness. At the bottom of the ridge,
sprawled face down across a boulder,
Lolita lay dead, a bullet in her back.
To the men in pursuit, Lolita's murder
was further evidence of Willie Boy's
savagery. A hindrance to him now because
of her fatigue, he had cut her down to save
himself. To the Indian, though", her killing
was an act of mercy, to save her from being
taken by white men. To Willie Boy, Lolita
was his wife. If he gave her up to the white
man, he would, in effect, be giving
up himself.
Regardless of his motive for killing the
girl, her death did spread the distance
between himself and the posse. Not only
could he move more swiftly now, the posse
was forced to turn back for the moment to
bring Lolita home. Thus Willie Boy gained
an extra edge. But had they not returned
with the girl, coyotes would surely have
devoured her.
Meanwhile, those hunting Willie Boy
grew from a local constable with a
handful of men to two sheriffs
departments from as many counties, the
Bureau of Indian Affairs, dozens of white
men, several Indian trackers, Banning
Reservation police and wagons loaded with
provisions for several days of desert
pursuit. Dispersed at different times and to
different areas where they thought Willie
Boy might be heading, the manhunt grew
to monumental proportions. With the
murder of Lolita, it also grew into a
grim resolve.
Until Lolita's body was brought back to
Banning, the newspapers had given the
manhunt little attention. With this new
outrage, however, black headlines began to
emerge, exploiting Willie Boy as a mad
killer on the loose. Localized at first, the
story was eventually picked up by the wire
services and soon the whole nation was
following the manhunt. It was as if people
everywhere sensed in this final struggle of
the past to live, an excitement all wanted
to share.
Willie Boy's main concern, though, was
not in headlines but in survival and
eventual escape. He felt that if he could
reach the oasis at Twentynine Palms, his
people would provide refuge, or a horse
and supplies for further flight.
When he reached the oasis, exactly one
week from the night he killed Old Mike, he
found it deserted and stripped of
everything he could have used to aid his
escape. Everyone had fled to the Banning
Reservation for safety, fearing that if Willie
Boy came to Twentynine Palms, he would
kill them all.
Denied their support, Willie Boy's spirit
withered. He glanced about him, appalled
at the devastation he had caused;
remembering, perhaps, happier times
when, as a teenager here, he had had some
hope of a meaningful life. It was gone now,
gone forever. He checked his rifle, counted
his rounds, then turned resolutely back
toward the desert wastes that had so
recently shielded him. Now they were
soon to witness his death.
A full four days after his visit to the oasis,
Willie Boy reached Ruby Mountain where
he decided to make his stand. He found a
natural barricade along the mountain
which gave him full view of anyone who
handcuffs and shattered his hip. He lay in
the open, face up, blood pulsing badly
from his wound.
The men, now under cover, began firing
randomly at the barricade. But only now
and then would Willie Boy fire back. When
one of the Indian trackers dashed away for
help, Willie Boy danced bullets after him,
but always off target. It was peculiar
response from a man fighting for his life.
Peculiar, too, was Willie Boy's decision
to kill the horses instead of the men. He
could easily have gotten them all, taken
one of the horses and what supplies he
approached from below. There was only a
distant willow thicket behind which his
attackers could hide. From this vantage
point, Willie Boy waited and rested and
considered his plight.
After two weeks and 500 miles of
desert torment, he was too tired to
run anymore. But even if he had
the will and strength to go on, where
would he go? And who was there to help
him? He had killed the only thing he loved
and unleashed upon himself, it seemed,
the anger of everyone who knew of his
deed. He had no will to move ahead, or
even think ahead. It seemed the desert had
beaten all of that out of him and left him a
mindless form without the power to
determine any part of his destiny.
The five men who broke from the
willow thicket had but a moment to
evaluate the barricade above them before
Willie Boy opened fire. Dropping one
horse, spooking a second, then dropping
three more, Willie Boy had every man
unhorsed and running for cover before
any of them could draw a gun. It was the
fight all of them had been waiting for, but
not one had been prepared.
During the fracas only one man, the
leader, was shot. The bullet that was meant
for his horse had glanced off the tracker's
handcuffs and shattered his hip. He lay in
the open, face up, blood pulsing badly
from his wound.
The men, now under cover, began firing
randomly at the barricade. But only now
and then would Willie Boy fire back. When
one of the Indian trackers dashed away for
help, Willie Boy danced bullets after him,
but always off target. It was peculiar
response from a man fighting for his life.
Peculiar, too, was Willie Boy's decision
to kill the horses instead of the men. He
could easilyhave gotten them all, taken
one of the horses and what supplies he
needed and made good his escape. With
two murders already against him, why
should he balk at further killings?
To the men who crouched below the
barricade, such restraint seemed illogical.
To Willie Boy, who waited above, it was the
only option he had left, seeing that he was
already dead.
When a man dies, he dies first in his
mind, regardless of how soon or late the
physical death follows. So with Willie Boy.
All he needed was time to earn' out the
physical act. Pinning the posse down
would give him that time.
When darkness came, the men'decided to give up the vigil and
take their wounded leader back
down the mountain to medical aid. The
Indian could wait, they surmised. As they
eased the pain-racked man onto the only
surviving horse, a rumble of rocks was
heard from above, then a single shot
cracked through the air.
"He's dead," someone whispered as they
descended. "He's shot himself." But the
men would not wait to find out.
A week was gone before another posse
went back to Ruby Mountain to try to pick
up Willie Boy's trail. The trail, though, went
no further than the barricade. Willie Boy
had, indeed, taken his own life.
So ended the manhunt. So closed an era.
Much was made of the matter. A play was
written and performed to packed houses.
Ruby Mountain was renamed Willie Boy
Mountain. Two sheriffs were re-elected on
the strength of the hunt, a Reservation
superintendent lost her job because of it
and a young reporter made a name for
himself by his coverage of the struggle.
Fifty years were to pass, though, before
any valuable narrative was produced. Harry
Lawton's "Willie Boy, A Desert Manhunt"
(Paisano Press, Balboa Island, Calif., I960)
is a stirring, yet objective account of the
event. From this came the movie, "Tell
Them Willie Boy Is Here," starring Robert
Redford with Robert Blake as Willie Boy.
As for Willie Boy himself? Though the
desert would not give him the life he
bargained for, she did provide him with an
immortality that reached beyond the finite
survival of the flesh. She found a niche for
him in history's walls and placed him there
as she had placed him in the crevices and
crannies of her trackless landscape.
It was a reward he had not sought, an
honor he had not considered the night he
ran to her for hiding. But then, no man on. the run wants any more from the desert
than a place to run and hide. Fame is just
something extra, sometimes thrown in and
sometimes not. ~~~
Desert Magazine - 1980