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Desert Folks:
Jack Mitchell - Mitchell Caverns
Living at the Caverns![]() Rock cabin Living at the caverns was to be Jack and Ida's second honeymoon. "Two Lovers Shipwrecked on a Deserted Island." They would live in the desert where, "the coyote's mating call would be our lullaby to sing us to sleep each night." Ida's first order of business for Jack was for him to build her a proper powder room, an outhouse, with a door. Jack set himself to work and did what he had to do to keep Ida happy even though the nearest neighbors were more than ten miles away and would interrupt her privacy anyway. After the shelter was finished Ida would get in there and start filling out order forms from Sears & Roebuck buying all kinds of things she felt they needed. Jack wouldn't have it.
![]() As time went on the honeymooners built a cabin out of rock from the area. Jack blasted and dug out a trail along the side of the mountain that helped cut down the time it took to hike from the cabin to the caverns. It was exhausting work but saved a lot of time and effort for what it took to make the trail. Jack got a story out of the endeavor to boot.
![]() Jack Mitchell in his workshop < - 1 2 3 4 - > |
Jack Mitchell of Mitchell CavernsLiving at the CavernsNothing but JackrabbitsThe Saddest StoryMitchell CavernsMitchell Caverns State Park in the Providence Mountains.Mitchell Caverns GeologyGeology of Mitchell Caverns in the Providence Mountains.Mitchell Caverns Photo TourMitchell Caverns Photos. ... Click the photo to continue. Could not open /home/ aeve/digital-desert/digitaldesert/mitchell-caverns/photos.rnd. Sorry!Mojave Preserve Photo ToursProvidence. Boomtown of Providence near Mitchell Caverns in the Mojave Preserve. ... Crystal Springs. Small spring near Mitchell Caverns.Desert Springs, Oases & WaterholesCrystal Springs. Near Mitchell Caverns in the Mojave Preserve, high up in a canyon is ... Ibex Springs. The history of the area as a whole is not a continual tale of ...Carbonate Rocks and Associated LandformsMitchell Caverns in the Providence Mountains State Recreation Area has been developed for commercial visitation. The cavern formed in limestone of Late ...Desert National Parks and National ForestsWilderness Areas. BLM managed wilderness areas ... Ash Meadows Mono Lake Mitchell Caverns Trona Pinnacles San Bernardino National Forest ...Interstate 40Mitchell Caverns. Located in the heart of the Providence Mountains State Recreation Area at an elevation of 4,300 feet are the Mitchell Caverns. In the . |
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