History -
Railroads of the Mojave Desert:
Railroads around the Mojave National Preserve
The Salt Lake Route
Another railroad destined to operated through the
heart of what now is
Mojave National Preserve,
northeast to southwest, would operate under three different
San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad
from its completion in 1905 until 1916; Los Angeles &
Salt Lake Railroad from 1916 to 1988; and overlapping
with that second name, Union Pacific Railroad from the
1920s to the present.
The idea of a railroad connecting
Salt Lake City with southern California probably went
back practically to completion of the first transcontinental
railroad at Promontory Station in May 1869, which was
followed by construction of the Utah Central from Ogden
on the
Union Pacific
to Salt Lake City, making the capitol
of Utah Territory a railroad town, and the Union Pacific
would soon take over the Mormon-built Utah Central.
The first concrete evidence of Union Pacific intentions
consisted of the Union Pacific interests pushing construction
of a subsidiary Utah Southern southwest from Salt
Lake City to Milford, Utah. Union Pacific interests then
played with the idea of an extension southwestward
across Utah and Nevada to a connection with the
Southern Pacific at
but the Union Pacific entered an
era of financial difficulty and reorganization in the 1880s
and 1890s, though during 1888 Union Pacific surveyors
worked on a line from Milford to
with the intention
of reaching Los Angeles. In 1890 the Union Pacific
actually built about 145 miles of grade from Milford to
Pioche, but after laying a mere eight miles of track on it,
construction stalled.
Then the faltering Union Pacific went
into bankruptcy in the silver crash of 1893 and was not
reorganized and rejuvenated under the direction of Edward
Henry Harriman until 1898. Meanwhile the railroad
picture became greatly complicated, more a part of Utah’s
history than that of Mojave National Preserve, and while
the Union Pacific was stalled, in 1900 a copper magnate
from Butte, Montana, named William Andrews Clark,
who was also a United States Senator, entered the competition
initiating a two year contest between Clark and
In a brilliant move, Clark bought the Los Angeles
Terminal Railway, which gave him a railroad route
through and base in Los Angeles, and initiated surveys for
a railroad to Salt Lake. Covertly he had also bought the
assets of a corporation that had never built any railroad,
the Utah and California Railroad, which however had
rights to a surveyed route from Salt Lake City across Utah
to the Nevada state border. In one brief coup, Clark had
the two ends of his Salt Lake to Los Angeles Railroad;
now he had to acquire rights across Nevada and the rest
of California, and build a railroad between Salt Lake City
and Los Angeles using those rights.
What followed was an
incredibly complex contest between Clark and Harriman
involving lawyers, courts, legislatures, newspapers, competing
grading crews, and every weapon either magnate
could bring to bear, the result of which was a secret compromise
on July 9, 1902, in which Harriman agreed to sell
portions of Union Pacific-owned (technically Oregon Short
Line Railroad) grade and track to Clark in exchange for
50 per cent of the stock in Clark’s San Pedro, Los Angeles
& Salt Lake Railroad. Thereafter, construction continued
eastward from Los Angeles and westward from Utah, to
a joining of the rails at an empty piece of Nevada desert
roughly 27 miles west of Las Vegas on the afternoon of
January 30, 1905.
As was typical of railroads at the beginning of the 20th
Century, the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad
established side tracks or passing tracks often accompanied
by a section house and bunk house for the maintenance
crews known as section gangs about every ten or
fifteen miles along the railroad, some of these with water
tanks to provide locomotives with boiler water, occasionally
a wye track, and so forth. The railroad established
a number of these across what now is Mojave National
Preserve, the most important being a “helper station” at
a place called Kelso, which would be a base for “helper”
locomotives which would be coupled on the front of
eastbound trains to “help” them climb the grade to the
summit at Cima, after which the helper locomotives would
be uncoupled, turned on the wye track at Cima, and run
back “light” or without train to Kelso to await their next
helper assignment. As a helper station, Kelso required an
engine house and eventually its replacement with a larger
roundhouse, and crews of mechanics and others to help
keeping the railroad running, as well as a restaurant or
eating house and some accommodations for train crews
staying overnight between runs. Thus Kelso, in the middle
of the Mojave Desert at a location where the railroad had
acquired springs and wells to serve as reliable sources for
boiler water for locomotives, became a railroad company
town, with company housing and other such facilities.
The first through passenger train on the new railroad
started out from Salt Lake City for Los Angeles on February
9, 1905, carrying, among others, Senator Clark. The
Salt Lake Route was equipped with a stable of modern
standard gauge steam locomotives, most equipped with
partly cylindrical Vanderbilt tenders, and the latest of
passenger cars. It soon had a premiere train, The Los
Angeles Limited, which would remain the most prestigious,
Pullman-sleeping-car-equipped train on the railroad.
Whereas most of the line’s passenger trains stopped for
the passengers to have meals at stations such as
Las Vegas,
Caliente, and Milford, The Los Angeles Limited
had its own dining car and did not need to make
meal stops. It was not until the mid-1930s brought new
technology of locomotives powered by Winton and later
diesel-electric engines pulling new “lightweight” streamlined
passenger cars that a still newer train, the Armour
yellow City of Los Angeles eclipsed the Limited as
the principal train on the line.
The railroad remained the San Pedro, Los Angeles &
Salt Lake Railroad until 1916 when management of the
line decided to shorten the name, dropping the words
“San Pedro” to make it simply the “Los Angeles & Salt
Lake Railroad.” Five years later, in 1921, the company
persuaded Senator Clark to sell his 50 per cent interest
in the line, and the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad became
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Union Pacific Railroad.
Unlike most such instances, when the Union Pacific
dissolved and absorbed the property of a subsidiary into
its own corporate structure, in the case of the Los Angeles
& Salt Lake Railroad, the Union Pacific retained it as a
separate company until 1988, when it was finally dissolved
and absorbed into the Union Pacific Railroad. Until that
time it was common for locomotives owned by the L.A.&
S.L. to carry the name “UNION PACIFIC” in large letters
but to have elsewhere on cabs or tenders or both of steam
locomotives the initials “L.A.& S.L.”
Commonly called the Salt Lake Route, the line
featured a number of fairly ordinary depots and eating
houses, many of them wood frame, until the early 1920s
when Union Pacific management caught a contagious
disease that might be termed either “Santa Fe Envy” or
“Fred Harvey Envy.” The
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
System had worked out with an entrepreneur named
Fred Harvey
in the 1870s an agreement under which Harvey
took over and managed railroad depot eating houses
and depot hotels. Harvey had very definite ideas about
how such establishments should be operated, hired first
rate chefs, obtained the highest quality of fresh meat,
poultry and produce, installed the finest of linen and
china, and employed energetic young women uniformed
in black dresses with white aprons as waitresses, this in
an era where railroad eating houses were notorious for
their awful coffee, their stale sandwiches with desiccated
bread, rancid meat, and rubberized cheese, greasy China
and implements, and dirty employees. After the Santa Fe
bankruptcy in the 1890s and its reorganization, under a
new president named Edward Payson Ripley the company
began hiring first rate architects to build attractive permanent
depot hotels, depots and eating houses in Spanish
mission revival, English Tudor half-timbered, Moorish and
neo-classical Palladian designs. This was the competition
the Union Pacific faced after the end of World War I, and
west of Mojave National Preserve at Barstow the Santa Fe
and Fred Harvey had their Moorish-style depot hotel and
restaurant known as
Casa de Desierto,
or “house of the
desert,” and east of Mojave National Preserve at Needles
the railway had its neo-classical, Palladian Harvey House
and restaurant known as
“El Garces”
after a Spanish
padre of that name, both impressive pieces of architecture.
Worse, west of
and over
Cajon Pass
San Bernardino,
the Union Pacific shared
joint trackage with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, so
that westbound travelers on Union Pacific trains who had
been fed at little board and batten eating houses across
Utah, Nevada and at Kelso, now passed by the elegant
depot restaurants and hotels the Santa Fe had to offer its
passengers. Eastbound, after passing such structures, they
were then faced with the Salt Lake Route’s rough facilities
from Daggett to Salt Lake City. So it should not be surprising
that by the early 1920s the Union Pacific, infected
with Fred Harvey envy, should decide to build at Milford,
Utah, Caliente and
Las Vegas, Nevada, and Kelso and
Daggett, California, attractive new depot-eating-house-hotel
combinations all in the California mission revival
style, emulating the style of some of the Harvey Houses
such as the Alvarado in Albuquerque. And thus it was in
1923 and 1924 that Kelso, California acquired a spiffy new
depot, eating house and hostelry which the National Park
Service now owns and has just finished restoring as a visitor
center for Mojave National Preserve.
The Union Pacific continued operating passenger trains
through Kelso until 1971, when the Federally chartered
National Railroad Passenger Corporation, better known as
Amtrak, took over most of the national’s passenger trains.
On the Salt Lake Route, Amtrak operated a through
streamlined passenger train known as the Desert Wind
between Salt Lake City and Los Angeles until May 10,
1997, when it was discontinued, and earlier operated a
“Las Vegas Fun Train” between Los Angeles and Las
Vegas, Nevada. Since the discontinuance of the Desert
Wind. the Salt Lake Route has experienced no passenger
traffic across its line. Only freight trains now pass across
Mojave National Preserve, but freight traffic has grown
to such proportions that the Union Pacific is preparing to
convert the main line across Mojave from single track to
double track. Meanwhile, the Salt Lake Route from its
completion in 1905 to the present, connecting with the
Union Pacific at Salt Lake City and Ogden, has offered
that company another transcontinental railroad connection
as well as access to the markets of southern California, so
with its operation Mojave National Preserve had not only
one transcontinental railroad along part of its southern
boundary, but another right across its heart!

In this photograph, the Desert Wind (Ogden-Las Vegas-Los Angeles) has a varied consist of old and new rail cars. Behind the locomotives are a Heritage Baggage car; Heritage Sleeping car; Amdinette; and bi-level Superliner coaches. The single-level Amfleet equipment, built mainly for use in the East and Midwest, was introduced in 1975, and the Superliners, designed for use on western long-distance routes, went into service in 1979. The Desert Wind was not equipped with Superliners until June 1980. Located about 40 miles northeast of Barstow, California, Afton Canyon was carved by the Mojave River, which for most of the year is not visible above ground.
The Desert Wind was established in 1979 during a major route restructuring mandated by Congress. Years later, the train was combined with the California Zephyr east of Salt Lake City for through service to Chicago. In 1997, the train was discontinued.
Photographer: Unknown for Amtrak.
Los Angeles Limited

Beginning in 1905 the Los Angeles Limited was the flagship train of the Union Pacific between Chicago and Los Angeles.
In the 1950s ridership on the Los Angeles Limited declined rapidly.