Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Books, Diaries, Journals

Captivity of the Oatman Girls



The first Encampment -- The Oatman Family -- The only traveling Companions of the Oatman Family resolve to remain -


Mr. and Mrs. Oatman in Perplexity -- The Massacre -- The Capture of Olive and Mary Ann -


Lorenzo Conscious of most of the Scenes of the Massacre -- Attacked by Wolves -- Olive and Mary Ann Purchased by the Mohaves -


One Year of Labor and Suffering -- Starvation -- The Decline of Mary Ann -- The killing of the two Captives as a Sacrifice -


An Expedition of Hostility against the Coccopahs -- The Preparation -- The Anxiety of Olive -- The Five Cochopa Captives -- Nowereha -- Evil Spirits -- Hopes of Escape


Lorenzo Oatman -- Dark Thoughts -- His earnest but fruitless Endeavors -- The false Report of Mr. Black -- Mr. Grinell -- Mr. Low.


Francisco goes over the River -- Secret Council -- Danger of a Fight among themselves -- A Letter from the Whites -- Advice to kill their Captive -- Daughter of the Chief -- Their Journey to Fort Yuma.

-- Next


The Oatman Massacre occurred on February 18, 1851, near Gila Bend, Arizona, when the Oatman family, traveling westward, was attacked by Native Americans. Royce, Mary, and four of their children were killed, while Olive (14) and Mary Ann (7) were taken captive. Their brother Lorenzo survived despite severe injuries.

The sisters were initially held by the Tolkepayas before being traded to the Mojave people, where they lived for several years and received traditional tribal tattoos. In 1856, Olive was ransomed and returned to white society; Mary Ann had died of starvation during their captivity.

Olive's story, detailed in her book "Life Among the Indians," became widely known, highlighting the hardships of settlers and the complex relationships with Native American tribes during the westward expansion.

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