Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Mojave Desert History: Pioneer of the Mojave
Old Skeletons & New Trails


The site of Lane's way station was also the home of a more recent race of Indians, those who were here at the time the Spanish arrived. The San Bernardino County Museum Archaeological Site No. 88, besides being referred to by recent names such as Turner Springs Ranch and Adelanto Springs, is also designated as being the location of Topiabit (or Topipabit) Rancheria, which is described as a permanent village of Serrano-Vanyume Indians occupied in the last 1,000 years.

According to the Museum, the site is on the hills of sand above and north (the actual direction is south) of the ranch building. Flattened places on the hills suggested circular huts were present at one time. The Museum believes there were approximately 25 skeletons uncovered and also notes the cremations. The artifacts recovered included shell pendants and beads, bone awls, metates, manos, a clay pipe, a small mortar, a bone whistle, an abalone shell, and an arrow straightener. Some of the artifacts were from outside the area, leading Museum archaeologists to conclude that trade with other regions took place.

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Topiabit area
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