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Mojave Desert History: Pioneer of the Mojave
Lane's Crossing

Camp Cady Established

Camp Cady

As can be seen from these accounts, Lane was in the midst of the action. Indian attacks and killings were taking place all around him, and even in his own home, yet he stuck it out; others on the desert in the 1860s left for safer country.

The Indian attacks had become such a problem that the military finally sent Major James Henry Carleton to deal with the situation. In April, Carleton established a base of operations, known as Camp Cady, about ten miles below Forks of the Road at a spot where the Mojave River surfaces. This was a boon for Lane; the military camp afforded some security, plus it needed supplies, so he was able to obtain hard cash through the sale of hay and other crops.

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Camp Cady Military

History of Camp Cady

Camp Cady


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