Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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Geology - formed by or involving chiefly fragments of volcanic origin, as agglomerate, tuff, and certain other rocks; volcaniclastic.

Ubebehe Crater

At least a dozen craters are located within an area of 3 sq km, and bedded pyroclastic-surge deposits cover an area of 15 sq km. Early scoria cone formation was ...

Fish Slough/Red Rock Canyon/Casa Diablo Route Guide

Most of the lava poured across the landscape as a pyroclastic flow, a thick, ... As the Long Valley pyroclastic flow cooled and fused into the white or pinkish rock ...

Artist's Palette

The formation consists of a lower sedimentary member with volcanic tuffs dated to approximately 13Ma and an upper member composed of pyroclastic deposits, ...

Eastern Slopes

Volcanic rocks are sparse; the largest exposure being Pleistocene basalt and pyroclastic rocks at Crater Mountain on the west side of Owens Valley, near ...

Coso - Argus Ranges: Southern Great Basin Ecological Subsections

Most of the Paleozoic is represented, at least from Ordovician through Permian. The volcanic rocks are mostly basalt, but there are also some pyroclastic rocks.

Funeral Mountains - Greenwater Valley: Mojave Desert Ecological

... Tertiary volcanic rocks that are Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene basaltic, rhyolitic, and pyroclastic rocks; (4) Pliocene and Quaternary nonmarine sediments, ...

Silver Peak Mountains - Fish Lake Valley

The bedrock is mainly Jurassic and Cretaceous granitic; Tertiary and Quaternary andesite and basalt; Tertiary silicic pyroclastic; Precambrian sedimentary; and ...

Diamond Mountain - Crystal Peak

There are lesser amounts of Eocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks and post- Eocene andesite, basalt, rhyolite, and pyroclastic rocks. Some sedimentary ...

Tahoe - Truckee

The Cenozoic volcanic rocks are mostly Pliocene andesite, basalt and pyroclastic rocks and Pleistocene basalt. Pleistocene glacial till and outwash are common ...

MAGMA - Mojave Desert - Glossary of Terms and Definitions

A small quantity of basaltic magma encountered underground water producing a series of phreatic eruptions that are recorded in the black layers of pyroclastic .

Crowley Flowlands: Mono Ecological Subsections

Quaternary volcanic, largely pyroclastic, and Mesozoic granitic rocks predominate in this subsection. Bishop tuff, which emanated from the site of the Long Valley ...

Ubehebe Crater

A small quantity of basaltic magma encountered underground water producing a series of phreatic eruptions that are recorded in the black layers of pyroclastic ...

Casa Diablo to Rock Creek Route Guide

Irregularities in the pyroclastic flow and subsequent faulting and erosion have made a Tableland that is not tablesmooth but full of cliffs, crevices and canyons.
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