Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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The result of lava coming in contact with water.
Photo of a small piece of obsidian


Fossil Falls - Mojave Desert
The black scar seen on the dome-shaped hill to the east is a mile-long seam of volcanic glass, obsidian. Obsidian was used almost exclusively in the ...

Kawaiisu Indians - Tools and Implements
Tools for hunting, harvesting, building, food preparation, tanning and sewing were made from obsidian, chalcedony, agate, chert and other types of stone, bone, ...

Serrano - Trade, Exchange, Storage
The finding of obsidian coming from long distance, i.e. Obsidian Butte and the coastal volcanic field (Warren and Schneider 2001: MS-ii) shows that people living ...

Volcanic Rocks, Cinder Cones and Lava Fields
GLOSSARY, > basalt, igneous, lava, magma, obsidian,. More about >. Volcanic Rocks and Associated Landforms. Examples of landform features associated ...

Inyo Craters
The latest eruptions at Inyo Craters took place about 600 years ago, when explosive eruptions accompanied formation of the South Deadman, Obsidian Flow, ...

Kawaiisu Indians
Men would knap arrow points and knife blades from chert and obsidian, straighten arrow shafts from willow branches and prepare the foreshafts for the arrows.

Volcanic Rocks and Associated Landforms
Desert landscape and surface processes study, Mojave National Preserve.

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