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GYMNOSPERM - ("naked seeds") A type of vascular plant which is more primitive than the flowering plants (angiosperms). Gymnosperms commonly have seeds within a cone.

Gymnosperms are seed-producing plants, but they do not produce fruits or flowers; their seeds are exposed on cones or similar structures. They are hardy and capable of surviving in extreme environments: mountains, forests, and deserts. Most have needle-shaped leaves to conserve water, and some, such as bristlecone pines, live thousands of years.

There are three main categories:

Conifers (like pine trees),
Cycads (palm-like tropical plants),
Gnetophytes (strange plants like Welwitschia). Those are important because they form forests, provide homes for wildlife, and give us things like wood, paper, and medicine. Plus, they've been around since dinosaur times, making them plant-world pioneers!

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