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FOLSOM POINT - These points are smaller and were created more recently than Clovis Points. They have a long groove or flute running up each side and were first discovered in Folsom, New Mexico.

A Folsom point is a particular type of finely crafted stone projectile point associated with the Folsom cultural tradition. The tradition was characterized by a Paleoindian people that inhabited North America during the terminal phase of the late Pleistocene epoch.

The period of approximately 10,500 to 10,000 years ago is characterized by the presence of distinctive artifacts created through a sophisticated lithic manufacturing technology whereby a groove or "flute" extends from the base towards the tip on both sides.

The points tended to be smaller and more refined than the earlier, more primitive Clovis points. They were made with higher quality materials like chert and obsidian.

Folsom points are significant in that they demonstrate the advancement of technology and their importance in archaeology. Their discovery associated with the bones of ancient bison proved that humans did live in North America during the last Ice Age. This was a discovery that would change the previously held notions of when humans moved and provide very crucial information on how early hunter-gatherer groups hunted and organized themselves. Folsom points have been found over a wide area of North America, proving that Paleo-Indians traveled a lot or traded with other groups.

Photo of Folsom point
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