Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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The depletion of surface soil and/or rock by natural processes such as wind, water, ice and gravity. Although a natural process, it can nonetheless be very damaging if it occurs too rapidly.

Geology - Death Valley Rock Samples - Mojave Desert

The forces of erosion slowly carve away at the ancient rock formations, re-shaping the surface of the land. The basin continues to subside. ...

Coso Range Wilderness

NATURAL RESOURCES: This wilderness encompasses the northern section of the Coso Mountain Range, an area of extensive erosion revealing outstanding volcanic ...

Red Cathedral - Golden Canyon - Death Valley

More resistant to erosion than the soft yellow mudstone, the rocks of the Red Cathedral form steep cliffs. These cliffs are composed of conglomerate similar ...

Former Fans - Golden Canyon - Death Valley

Subsequent uplift and erosion have exposed these deposits. What was the source for the material that composes these older alluvial fans? ...

Carbonate Rocks and Associated Landforms - Mojave Preserve

...In contrast to other types of rocks, carbonate rocks tend to be fairly resistant to erosion in arid climate conditions. The ancient carbonate rocks in the ...

Little Hebe Crater Trail, Death Valley Day Hikes

Description : Volcanic craters and elaborate erosion. Hike along west rim of Ubehebe Crater to Little Hebe and several other craters. ...

Natural Science: Joshua Tree

Surface erosion exposed the already deeply weathered granite. Druing an earlier, wetter climate, the valley was cut by the action of flowing water. ...

Queen Valley

The Queen Valley are formed by a difference in the rate of erosion between the rock material on the valley floor and the rock making up the surrounding ...

Panoramic View point, Joshua Tree National Park

Mountain building over at least two separate and distinct periods, examples of different type of erosion and indication of how, and why man survived in the ...

Natural Science: Rock Piles - Joshua Tree

Further uplifting and erosion exposed the rock above ground. Once exposed, weathering and erosion continued the sculpting and breakdown of the granite, ...

Rockpiles in Joshua Tree

One set, oriented roughly horizontally, resulted from the removal, by erosion, of the miles of overlying rock, called gneiss. ...

The White Tank Arch

Erosion and wearing will continue. Water will dissolve minerals on the surface and will seep into tiny cracks causing them to expand and contract with ...


It juts out from the surrounding rock because it is harder and more resistant to erosion. Intrusions form in the fractures of the main body of rock while it ...

Rock Sculpture

As erosion removed the overlying rock, horizontal cracks were made when the rock mass ... This type of erosion is more effective at the edges and corners, ...

Joshua Tree: Hidden Life

The crust, called cryptobiotic, meaning "hidden life," resists wind and water erosion. It slows and absorbs water runoff, and provides essential nutrients ...

Dike formation Squaw Tank

Being of a harder material (aplite or pegmatite), dikes as they are called, are more resistant to erosion and weathering, and tend to protrude above the ...

Geology of Death Valley

Erosion and Deposit Water carries rocks, sand and gravel down from surrounding ... Lost Lakes During North America's last major Ice Age, the valley was . ...

Kelso Dunes - Mojave Desert

Over time, the slow processes of weathering and erosion can turn large rocks into sand. Geologists can often track down the original source for sand grains ...
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