Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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Photo of exposed bedrock in Mojave Desert
The solid rock that underlies loose material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel. Often exposed in arid climates, due to water and wind erosion.

Granitic Rocks and Associated Landforms - California Mojave Desert

Weathering and erosion in arid regions underlain by granitic bedrock.

Pediments and Alluvial Fans - Mojave Desert

A pediment is underlain by bedrock that is typically covered by a thin, discontinuous veneer of soil.

Sierra Nevada Ecological Subsections

Rivers flow east from the crest in mostly bedrock controlled channels terminating in basins in the Mojave Desert, Mono or Northwestern Basin and Range ...

Weathering and Erosion in Desert Environments - Mojave Desert

In dry climates, soil forms very slowly, and much of the bedrock remains exposed to erosion. Physical forces in the desert that break down rocks include the daily ...

Kawaiisu Indians Natural History: Geology

Sedimentary rock is seen in the lighter tuffaceous sandstone in which we find bedrock mortars (holes used for grinding and pounding). Outside of Sand Canyon, ...

Landforms of the Desert - Mojave Desert

Superficially, pediments look like bajadas (depositional features) rather than products of erosion of bedrock. The slopes of pediments are slight, from 1/2° to ...

Sierra Nevada Geomorphic Province

The metamorphic bedrock contains goldbearing veins in the northwest trending Mother Lode. The northern Sierra boundary is marked where bedrock ...

Carbonate Rocks and Associated Landforms - Mojave Preserve ...

In the Mojave region, alluvial deposits derived from areas with carbonate bedrock tend to consist of blocky, unevenly sorted sediments. In many areas chert ...

Stream Channel Development - Mojave Preserve - California ...

When water is not flowing in the stream between storm events, an active channel typically consists of sand, gravel, dried mud, or barren bedrock. Cut and fill ...

Cougar Buttes

Geomorphically, Lucerne Valley is a bolson with a central playa fed by alluvial fans emanating from the surrounding bedrock mountain ranges. Intervening ...

Mojave Preserve Geology - Landforms

Many natural factors and processes are responsible for the development of landforms in desert environments, particularly bedrock characteristics, and current ...

Inyo Mountains: Southern Great Basin Ecological ... - Mojave Desert

The bedrock is mainly Mesozoic granitic; Precambrian sedimentary and metamorphic; Paleozoic marine sedimentary; Triassic marine sedimentary; and Triassic ...

Southern California Mountains and Valleys Ecological Subsections

Rivers and streams flow in alluvial and weak bedrock channels westward to the Pacific Ocean, or eastward to basins in the Mojave Desert or Colorado Desert ...

Mojave Desert Ecological Subsections

Mostly bedrock controlled channels in mountains that carry seasonal flows to alluvial channels below. Most channels terminate in basins within the section.

General Geologic History - Mojave Preserve - California Mojave ...

Although somewhat out of date, Hewett (1956) provides a detailed bedrock geologic history with summaries of mineral resources and mines in the Mojave ...

Sand Dunes

Sand starts as bedrock, which is broken down into blocks, a size at which water is able to transport them downstream. Eventually these large blocks may be ...
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