Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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ALLUVIUM - Loose material deposited by running water, typically streams. Usually a mixture of clay, silt, sand, and gravel.

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More information:

Pediments and Alluvial Fans - Mojave Preserve - California Mojave
...Desert landscape and surface processes study, Mojave National Preserve.

Stream Channel Development - Mojave Preserve - California Mojave ...The diagram illustrates an idealized cross section of an alluvial surface where the progression of stream down cutting and infilling resulted in the ...

The Mojave River and Associated Lakes - Mojave Preserve ...Layers of alluvium exposed in Afton Canyon reveal that changes in the landscape have occurred over time. The different colored layers of sediments exposed ...

Stream Terraces and Older Surfaces - Mojave Preserve - California ...In the distance, the surface of an older quaternary alluvial fan is preserved intact (partly due to a resistant caliche bed preserved at the surface). ...

Sand Dunes & Dust - Mojave Preserve - California Mojave Desert ...Barren rock, alluvium, and dry lake beds are all sources of dust and sand. Typically most dust (clay and silt) becomes suspended in the wind and is carried ...

Physiography - Mojave Preserve - California Mojave Desert ...The Preserve consists of nearly 1.6 million acres of varied landscapes including rugged mountains, canyons, volcanic fields, alluvial fans, dune fields and ...

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