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On the Frontier:

The Colorado

Looking up the Colorado, our view thereof is quite limited, for but a few miles off, the heights bounding the valley on each side encroach entirely on the level ground, and come quite to the edge of the river, which winding suddenly round a rocky point to the right, disappears from sight. Raising our eyes, a succession -.- ^range after range, tier upon tier-.- of lofty mountains, interlocking with and backing each other, tower higher and higher toward the sky ; all ragged and treeless, and having the sharp serrated outlines peculiar to the mountain-ranges of almost rainless climates.

Looking straight down, we behold beneath us a broad semicircular sweep of the Colorado -.- a huge horse-shoe of burnished steel ; and in the centre of the " bottom " embraced within the curve, we see embosomed in groves of acacias a beautiful little sheet of water -.- the Beaver Pond. In any other country it would be a lake. It is about the size of our own Derwentwater.

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