San Bernardino County Mining History
Sextette Mine
The Sextette mine, also known as the Standard Number 2, consisted of eight claims. The mine, situated north of the Copper King,
shares similar
and was developed for copper. The claims were located by Richard Bayley Gill and W. M. Fee. They bonded
the mine to the Johnnie Consolidated Gold Mining Company of Nevada. By January 1906 the Johnnie Company had sunk a 256 food deep
shaft, as well as other shafts and tunnels, and installed a new hoist. They shipped a total of four rail car loads of high-grade
(22%) copper ore in 1906, each 40-ton car load returned $1,105. But apparently the mine did not pay, for in August 1907 Gill and
Fee bonded the mine to a new concern.