Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Death Valley Chuck-Walla

The Town of Furnace

The vast extent of the copper deposits in the Funeral range has. produced a strange condition of affairs, out of which is growing the town of Furnace, a sister city to Greenwater, and located four miles to the north. The new city is justified in its existence and, with that justification behind it, is going merrily along, building stores, restaurants, hotels and business houses, grading streets and doing such a business as any other thriving mining camp with a 'future before it. The justification and underlying reason for such a condition of affairs is primarily the vastness of the copper'deposits of the Greenwater district.

Trolley cars and five-cent fares are not yet a part of the desert attractions, and miners cannot walk the weary miles from town to shaft and home again each day. The copper of the Greenwater district is scattered for many miles, and the men whose interests are centered therein are employed throughout the same wide territory. It is imperative that they should be within reasonable distance of their points of business interest. With an appreciation of this fact the town of Furnace was started and is already giving evidence of the good judgment of its promoters by booming along at a rate Which satisfies the most urgent. The great Patsy Clark properties, among the finest in the Greenwater district, are the basis for the town. The many other companies whose valuable holdings are in the same vicinity are adding to the stability and strength of the new city. Trie vast deposits which are now known on the Death Valley side hold out a still greater promise for its future, for it is to Furnace that these owners will look for headquarters.

Properties equal to any in the district surround the town. Prospects of even greater promise border it, and a wider reach of territory still will be dependent upon its aid and will pay a fitting recompense in business and support. Some wonderful discoveries have recently been made on the Death Valley slope from five to ten miles northwest of Furnace, and to gain the advantages of connection with this territory the townsite company is planning a road at a cost of thousands of dollars to lead into Death Valley and tap the mining properties, thus concentrating the business of that district at Furnace.

A post office has been applied for, and the postal department has requested full information as to routes and population, preparatory to granting the application. Stage lines from Amargosa and the end of the Borax Smith roaa are connecting with the town daily. Furnace is a town without a doubt. It is a town to be reckoned with in the development of the district. It has good men and good companies behind it, and contributing to its support. Many of these are already working. Among them are Furnace Creek Copper Co., Furnace Creek Extension Co., Furnace Creek South Extension Co., Montana-Furnace Creek Co., Copper Oxide Co., Copper Sulphide Co., Clark Copper Co., Kempland* Copper Co., Furnace Valley Co., Greenwater-Calumet Co., Butte-Furnace Range and a number of others.

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Wrightwood, Ca.
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G.A. Mercantile

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Abraxas Engineering
These items are historical in scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are not meant as an aid for travel planning.
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