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Chemehuevi Indians - Ethnography & Ethnohistory


Major sources on Chemehuevi ethnography and ethnohistory include Fowler and Fowler's Anthropology of the Numa:

John Wesley Powell 's Manuscripts on the Numic Peoples of Western North America, 1868-1880 (1971)
Kelly's "Southern Paiute Bands" (1934)
Laird's The Chemehuevis (1976), and Mirror and Pattern: George Laird 's World of Chemehuevi Mythology (1984)
A. L. Kroeber's "The Chemehuevi" in his Handbook of the Indians of California (1925)
Chester King and Dennis Casebier's Background to Historic and Prehistoric Resources of the East Mojave Desert Region (1976)
George Roth's "Incorporation and Changes in Ethnic Structure: The Chemehuevi Indians" (1976)
Clifford E. Trafzer, Luke Madrigal, and Anthony Madrigal's Chemehuevi People of the Coachella Valley (1997)
Amiel Weeks Whipple's Reports of the Most Practical and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean (1856)
Baldwin Mollhausen's Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific (1858)
Dennis Casebier's Camp Rock Spring, California (1973); and Robert M. Laidlaw's Desert-wide Ethnographic Overview (1979).

Government documents generated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and its predecessor, the Office of Indian Affairs, provide information about the Chemehuevi at the Twentynine Palms Indian Reservation, the Chemehuevi Indian Reservation, and the various Coachella Valley reservations where people with Chemehuevi ancestors now live.

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