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Books & Journals

The White Heart of Mojave

An Adventure with the Outdoors of the Desert
Edna Brush Perkins - With original black & white/colorized photos and additional color photography by Walter Feller

Dante's View -- White Heart of Mojave -- A classic desert adventure

The Feel of the Outdoors

    BEYOND the walls and solid roofs of houses is the outdoors. It is always on the doorstep. The sky, serene, or ...

How We Found Mojave

    WHEN the automobile was delivered into our hands at Los Angeles we wanted to turn around immediately and drive back ...

The White Heart

    WE had indeed found her. The morning sun came up over the immense valley ringed with beautiful, reposeful mountains. ...

The Outfit

    DEATH VALLEY was the goal, but after the day at Saratoga Springs one thing was certain: no matter if we could get ...

Entering Death Valley

    THE way to Death Valley from Beatty is across a shallower valley and through Daylight Pass at an elevation of ...

The Strangest Farm in the World

    ON the fourth day we bade "Old Johnnie" farewell, and descended into the quivering white basin. The next camp was to ...

The Burning Sands

    EVERY day that we stayed in Death Valley seemed more awful than the last. From ten o'clock in the morning until ...

The Dry Camp

    WHEN the sun stood over Tucki and the mesquites began to have real shadows beside them we resumed our journey. ...

The Mountain Spring

    THE next day's climb was easier, for by the time the sun had asserted its full vigor we were at an altitude where ...

The High White Peaks

    WILD ROSE CANYON has a lovely name, justified by a small clump of bushes that may bear wild roses sometime. ...

Snowstorm and Sandstorm

    BREAKFAST was late next morning like Sunday breakfasts in houses. Charlotte asked if it was Sunday. No one knew ...

The End of the Adventure

    IT was April when we returned to Silver Lake. Spring was walking on the desert. The sand and the stony mesas were ...
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