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Journal of Jedediah Smith: Second Expedition to California

The Inconstant River

About 8 miles up the river I found 2 horses and soon after 2 indian Lodges. I determined at once to secure the horses. And as the indians did not discover me until I had got close to them they had no chance to run off. I found them to be Pauch. With some cloth, knives, Beads &c., which we had brought along, I purchased their horses, some cane grass candy and some demi jons for carrying water.

I then proceeded on, nothing material occuring until I got near the head of Inconstant River there I fell in with a few lodges of the Wan-uma's indians. They had two horses which I purchased, and in continuing my journey, instead of traveling south East around the bend of the stream I struck directly across the Plain Nearly SSW to the Gape of the Mountain.

So soon as I had passed through the Mountain and near the place where I encamped the first night after leaving St. Bernardino on my first journey, I saw numbers of cattle. I immediately determined to kill some cattle and dry the meat to support us in our journey through the Barren country Between Bernardino and the Appelaminy. I therefore had three cows shot and the meat cut and dried.

photo of Old Spanish Trail and path of Jedediah Smith descending Cajon Pass
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Map showing Jedediah Smith routes across the Victor Valley in 1826 and 1827
In 1827, Smith and his men were still on the run. Smith traveled directly across the sloping plain from the river toward the Cajon Pass, and descended into San Bernardino through there.

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