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RARE - Applied to a species infrequently seen in a suitable habitat. The term is usually qualified to reflect the area observed.

The word rare has a few meanings depending on the context, but generally, it means:

Uncommon or infrequent: Something that happens, exists, or is seen only occasionally.

Example: "Sightings of the rare bird thrilled the birdwatchers."
Unusual or exceptional: Something that is remarkable or extraordinary in quality, value, or nature.

Example: "She has a rare talent for playing the piano."
Undercooked: In food, especially meat, it refers to being cooked very lightly or left mostly raw.

Example: "I’d like my steak cooked rare, please."
Thin or sparse: Referring to something that is not dense or crowded.

Example: "The air was thin and rare at the mountain's summit."

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