Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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An animal that can feed on almost anything, including living and dead plant and animal material.

    Desert Omnivores - Wildlife

    The coyote and raven are two well known examples of successful desert omnivores. This includes small animals which are somewhat insectivorous, such as ...

    Coyote Video

    The desert's most successful opportunist is the coyote. Its skill as a hunter for anything that can be swallowed ensures this omnivore's ... More info.

    Carnivores - Desert Wildlife

    In addition to being a predator, the coyote is an omnivore (plant and animal eater ) and a scavenger. This varied diet allows the coyote to exist under the desert's ...


    Niche: The deer mouse is a small-bodied omnivore. Its wide-spread distribution makes it sympatric with most mammals in the state. Competes with Peromyscus ...


    Niche: Scansorial omnivore with excellent climbing abilities. Potential competitors include Perognathus, over which P. eremicus is said to be behaviorally ...

    Pinyon Mouse

    Peromyscus truei is an omnivore that forages on the ground surface, usually amidst underbrush, but also will climb small trees to forage. Sometimes caches food ...


    Niche: The canyon mouse is a small granivore/omnivore of rocky, arid lands. It is closely associated with the long-tailed pocket mouse and the desert wood rat.

    Desert Wildlife

    ... desert survival. Animals that eat both plants and other animals are called omnivores. ... Omnivores are animals which consume both other animals and plants.

    Desert Animals - Desert Wildlife

    Carnivores are predators and chiefly eat meat, although some will consume ... Omnivore Omnivores are animals which consume both other animals and plants.

    White-tailed Antelope Squirrel

    Feeding: This omnivore feeds on a variety of seeds, fruits, green vegetation, arthropods, insects and carrion. In southern Nevada, greens were most important in ...

    Panamint Chipmunk

    Niche: This small, diurnal omnivore occupies habitats similar to those occupied by T. amoenus along the east side of the Sierra Nevada south of Lake Tahoe.

    MPG Movie/Video clips of Wildlife and other subjects in the Mojave ...

    Its skill as a hunter for anything that can be swallowed ensures this omnivore's ... More info... Horned Lizard The tubby, round-bellied little Horned Lizard eats ...

    Desert Animals

    Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores Many animals get their water from the food they eat. Green leaves contain lots of water. The animals that eat only plants , ...

    Coyote - Desert Wildlife

    Canis latrans. The desert's most successful opportunist is the coyote. Its skill as a hunter for anything that can be swallowed ensures this omnivore's survival.

    Acute senses of the Coyote

    GLOSSARY, > carrion, evolved, insect, omnivore, rodent, seed. > Coyote Picture Slideshow. --. Desert Wildlife Books Desert Animals, Critters & Varmints ...

    Predators - Desert Wildlife

    Predators are always either carnivores or omnivores. The prey might typically be a herbivore, but some predators feed on anything they can capture, including ...

    Raven - Desert Wildlife

    They are omnivores but prefer animal over vegetable foods. They often eat carrion but have been known to attack live lizards, snakes, insects and nesting birds.

    ANIMAL - Mojave Desert - Glossary of Terms and Definitions

    They are omnivores but prefer animal over vegetable foods. ... Coyote Intelligence They are smart animals, and have learned to take advantage of man and ...

    American Coot - Birds, Wildlife in the Mojave Desert

    They are frequently seen swimming in open water. These birds can dive for food but can also forage on land. They are omnivores, eating plant material, insects, ...
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