Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Old-growth Forest

A phase in forest development characterized by a multi-layered structure, old climax tree species, snags, and large amounts of coarse woody debris.

Old-growth forest in San Gabriel National Monument (Angeles National Forest)

Red Fir - Ecosystems & Wildlife Habitats Old growth stands on poor sites in the Sagehen Creek drainage of Nevada County average about 400 ... Forest cover types of the Unites States and Canada .

Jeffrey Pine - Ecosystems & Wildlife Habitats Structure-- The structure of the Jeffrey pine forest varies over its distribution. A single ... Old-growth Jeffrey pine stands exhibit an unevenaged structure. Analysis ...

Birds in Yosemite National Park Research on northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) has shown the importance of old-growth forests to this species, and how low-intensity fires can have a ...

Montane Hardwood Wildlife Habitats ... are clothed extensively by canyon live oak and scattered old-growth Douglas- fir. ... In California, canyon live oak occurs in 12 of the 17 forest communities ...

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