Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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A composite plant consisting of an algae and a fungus living together in a mutually beneficial relationship; commonly grows on trees or rocks.
Lichen living on a rock
Lichen on a rock in Cerbat Mountains, Chloride, Az

Biological Soil Crust - Mojave Desert Plants

Mature crusts, in contrast, are usually bumpy and dark-colored due to the presence of lichens, mosses, and high densities of cyanobacteria and other organisms.

Lichens, Pinto Gneiss, Joshua Tree National Park

Lichens growing on Pinto Gneiss in the Pleasant Valley, Joshua Tree National Park.

Trona Pinnacles

Lichen creep along some of the pinnacles. The tufa towers can also shelter nesting prairie falcons and ravens. Kit fox, coyotes, kangaroo rats, desert iguanas , ...

Cryptobiotic crust - Bajada Nature Trail

These fragile, living soil crusts, although usually hidden, can be seen here by the trail. They are composed of bacteria, algae, and lichen, all of which help to fix ...

Cap Rock

Lichens. On boulders may live some colorful lichens, a "marriage" of algae and ... Wanted - Dead or Alive. The Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia, living or dead, has ...

Joshua Tree: Hidden Life

Hidden within the soil crust are cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), lichens, mosses, green algae, fungi, and bacteria. The cyanobacteria are the dominent plants.

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