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GROUP - A geologic term for a related collection of formations, either found together, or representing a succession. Also see FORMATION

A group is a collection of individuals, objects, or entities that are gathered, classified, or associated based on shared characteristics, purposes, or relationships. The term can apply in various contexts:

Social context: A number of people who interact and identify with each other.

Example: "The study group met every week to review class material."
Mathematics: A set of elements combined with a specific operation (like addition or multiplication) that satisfies certain properties: closure, associativity, identity, and inverses.

Example: "The integers under addition form a mathematical group."
Science: A classification of related things, such as organisms, chemical elements, or geological formations.

Example: "Hydrogen and alkali metals belong to Group 1 in the periodic table."
General usage: A gathering of any items or entities with some commonality.

Example: "A group of hikers set out to explore the trail."
In all contexts, the idea of a shared connection or organization underpins the definition.
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