Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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Glossary of Terms & Definitions
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Characterized as episodic and lasting a short duration.

Ex: A playa is a location where ephemeral lakes form during wet periods.
Harper playa with an emphemeral lake
Harper playa with an emphemeral lake.

Sand Dunes & Dust

Lake sediments constitute one of the major sources for eolian sediment, along with sediments derived from lower (distal) alluvial fans and ephemeral washes ...


The ephemeral waters of the Mojave originate in the watershed of the San Bernardino Mountains. Water gathers from north of the ridgeline and flow down a .

Soda Lake

Playa/Dry Lake Formation. A playa is a dry, vegetation-free, flat area at the lowest part of an undrained desert basin. It is a location where ephemeral lakes form ...

Mojave Desert Sand Dunes

An ephemeral, or seasonal stream, during its dry periods, is exposed to wind. Occassionally a lake will dry up, with its sediment left without the protection of ...

Mojave River

The ephemeral waters of the Mojave originate in the watershed of the San Bernardino Mountains. Water gathers from north of the ridgeline and flow down a ...

Vanderbilt Mine

At the same time that all of Blake's energy and money was being poured into the Eastern Mojave, the ephemeral but thriving town of Vanderbilt literally sprang ...

The Lake Adventure

Not when the lake is ephemeral -- like Baldwin Lake. "Ephemeral" means this lake fills with water during wet seasons and evaporates during dry seasons and ...

Changing Climates and Ancient Lakes

These rivers are now mostly ephemeral in nature, but during the wettest periods of the Ice Ages they were likely sizable rivers complete with a rich fauna and ...

Broadwell Dry Lake

Dry Lake/Playa Formation. A playa is a dry, vegetation-free, flat area at the lowest part of an undrained desert basin. It is a location where ephemeral lakes form ...
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