Digital-Desert : Mojave Desert
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ALTITUDE — Vertical elevation of an object above sea level.

More information:

Geology of Yosemite National Park
It is 50 to 80 miles wide and extends in altitude from near sea level along its west edge to more than 13000 feet along the crest in the Yosemite area, ...

Manly Peak Wilderness
Vegetation changes with altitude, from creosote bush scrub at the lower elevations to pinyon and juniper woodlands on the higher peaks. ...

Colorado River Watershed
The lower third, or desert portion of the basin, is but little above the level of the sea, though here and there ranges of mountains rise to an altitude of ...

Skidoo - Death Valley National Park
... a stage line seemed definite, application had been made for a post office and with its high altitude (5600 ft.) production could continue all summer. ...

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