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Desert Fever
San Bernardino County: Kramer Junction


In July 1884, the Kramer Siding on the Santa Fe Railroad had but one inhabitant, the depot agent. However, with the discovery of copper 3 miles to the south, Kramer was the jumping off spot for the prospectors. Discouraged by the low price of copper and the lack of water, soon all but a few prospectors left. J. R. Maxey was one of these hardy few, and his discovery of gold sent people flocking to Kramer. A district was organized on November 20, 1884. By February, 1885, the camp was still so crude that it wad advised "As yet there are no hotel accommodations here, and the visitors will do well to come prepared with blankets." The camp was still alive in July, 1885, but the high cost of milling and transportation discouraged miners, and they gave up. 275

In May, 1899, three men named Duncan, Clark and Goldsberry discovered a rich ledge, and a "new" camp was again springing up, but this boom was even shorter lived.

The most substantial camp, known as Kramer Hills, was born in April, 1926, with the discoveries made by the Herkelrath brothers. This town was located a short distance downslope from the previous one and it boasted at least one store, owned by J. B. Ross, and a newspaper, printed in Barstow. Thousands of people from Los Angeles, San Bernardino and vicinity visited, and hundreds of claims were located. Many shallow shafts were sunk but none of this work resulted in the development of a mine. Only the Herkelrath property amounted to much of anything. 276

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